Overcoming recruitment
challenges for CTE
The Aiken County Career and Technology Center offers
CTE programs and qualifications in nine fields. It’s part
of the Aiken County Public School District, located in
Aiken, South Carolina, which includes 42 schools with a
student population of approximately 22,500.
Dr. Christie Palladino is a teacher in the Biomedical
Science Program at the Aiken County Career and
Technology Center. This program, like others at the
center, relies on high school students all across the
district to apply for enrollment but has struggled
recently with recruitment.
In the past, teachers from the center would go out and
host hands-on activities with prospective students,
but changes in the recruitment protocol ended that
strategy. Like many CTE programs elsewhere, it lacked
an effective way to recruit the right students for the right
CTE courses. In addition, teachers at students’ home
high schools are the ones who talk to students most
often, but they may not have the training or knowledge
about a CTE course to talk to students about their
career pathways.
used to recruit
and engage
students in
CTE program
Aiken County Public Schools
Aiken, South Carolina
~22,500 sudents
42 schools
An educator in South Carolina boosts
enrollment in her Biomedical Science career
and technical education (CTE) program by
using insights gleaned from YouScience
Aptitude & Career Discovery to recruit
engaged students with an aptitude for
health sciences.
That all changed after Dr. Palladino attended a
presentation hosted by Ivey Harrison, a Senior Territory
Manager at YouScience. The presentation focused on
how to use data from the Aptitude & Career Discovery
assessment to talk to students about their aptitudes and
help them find best-fit careers. Dr. Palladino decided
to implement this data to recruit students for her
Biomedical Science program.
“Even though we’re a career center, career-oriented
guidance is a piece that we’ve been missing,’ said Dr.
Palladino. “I think most of us as instructors feel a little lost
when it comes to career development.
“That’s the thing that got us together with YouScience—
we identified a need to use its data for recruitment
purposes.” Dr. Palladino continued. “It’s very easy to pull
data from, and it’s personalized to each student. Anyone
can pick it up and start using it.
Identifying students with
the right aptitudes
Along with Suman Marks-Johnson, Assistant Principal
at the Aiken County Career and Technology Center,
and fellow teachers in the Health Sciences cluster,
Dr. Palladino designed a recruitment strategy for the
center’s first-ever Health Science Night.
To target students for the event, Dr. Palladino leveraged
Aptitude & Career Discovery data to identify students
who had Health Science as one of their top three career
clusters and personally invited them to attend. She also
targeted students who had Biomedical Science as a
top 10 career to receive a further personalized invitation
from her to learn about laboratory-based careers. Doing
so helped Dr. Palladino generate buzz and excitement
for the program and ensured she reached the right
students who had previously identified aptitudes and
interests in the health sciences and particularly in
Biomedical Science.
“We had students coming up to us that night saying,
‘I didnt even know this was even a job; that there were
careers in this area,” Dr. Palladino recalled. “Being
able to show students this possibilitythat they can
take their skills and apply them to a career is really
important to us.
Being able to show students
this possibilitythat they
can take their skills and apply
them to a career is really
important to us.
Dr. Christie Palladino, Teacher, Biomedical Science
Program, Aiken County Career and Technology Center
Boosting enrollment and
student engagement
The Health Science Night was a smashing success.
Typically at an open house, attendance is sparse,
and there’s little participation, but not at this event.
More than 30% of Health Science Night attendees
applied to at least one of the center’s health science
programs (Biomedical Science, EMS/Fire, Health
Science, and Sports Medicine). Students excitedly
responded to Dr. Palladinos (or Dr. P, as they call
her) personal invitation and were fully engaged.
Even parents were getting in on the fun by putting on
gloves and doing lab work themselves. As a result,
the Biomedical Science program experienced its
biggest spike in student applications, with 57.8% of
student applicants responding to at least one of the
email invitations, resulting in a 73.3% increase in
“I’ve had more applications from this event than I
ever had from recruitment visits to high schools,” Dr.
Palladino noted. “It’s a really important piece of our
recruitment strategy.
Entertaining additional
career possibilities
Aptitude & Career Discovery also helps students
identify additional career options that they may
not have considered before. Dr. Palladino got
approval from the district to launch a pilot program
in 2022 to implement a YouScience-supported
career development curriculum with her second-
year students. She discovered that the district
had access to Aptitude & Career Discovery, but it
had been underutilized. Fortunately, a majority of
students had already taken an assessment and had
created a YouScience profile. Using data during
career development lessons allowed students to
dive deeper into their aptitudes and career fits. For
example, one biomedical science student who plans
to pursue a clinical career in nursing discovered
that she has strong reasoning aptitudes, particularly
with sequential reasoning. As a result, the student
signed up to take a research course in the program,
which Dr. Palladino believes it will help her become a
better clinician because she thinks like a researcher,
At first, I think students are surprised, but once they
dive deeper, it identifies options they might not have
considered,” Dr. Palladino said. “When students
see that, it validates the feeling of ‘hey, I’ve been
interested in this.
Helping students find
the words to express
their aptitudes
YouScience makes the career search process more
personal for students by providing them with the
language they need to create a resume or write cover
letters. Students can pull words and phrases from their
profiles that match their aptitudes to attach to their
portfolios or complete job applications to better describe
their abilities. Dr. Palladinos students utilized specific,
aptitude-based language on their portfolio profile pages,
resumes, and even in their mock interviews.
“YouScience helps students move from aptitudes
directly into a career search,” Dr. Palladino said. “They
can use the actual phrases from their profiles and
match them with careers and their aptitudes. That’s
one of the most helpful things, just being able to
identify the language to use.
To learn how YouScience can help
your program, schedule a demo at
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Copyright © 2023 YouScience. All rights reserved.
Increasing enrollment in Health Sciences
CTE programs
Generating awareness about Health Sciences
courses and careers
Identifying students with aptitudes for health
sciences and related fields
Helping teachers better provide career guidance
Aptitude & Career Discovery
30.7% of students attending Health Science Night
applied to at least one of four programs the center
offers within the Health Science cluster
13.8% of program applications occurred during
the event or right after
73.3% increase in the number of applications
after the open house
About YouScience
is the leading technology provider
in solving the skills-gap crisis for students and
employers. YouScience
Brightpath is the first-
of-its-kind aptitude-based guidance platform that
leverages data and artificial intelligence to help
individuals identify their aptitudes, validate their
skills, and get matched with educational and
career pathways.
YouScience helps students
move from aptitudes directly
into a career search. Thats
one of the most helpful things,
just being able to identify the
language to use.
Dr. Christie Palladino, Teacher, Biomedical Science
Program, Aiken County Career and Technology Center
The open house event worked so well for the center’s
recruitment that it plans to hold another one next
year, but earlier in the semester. Ms. Marks-Johnson,
Assistant Principal, has also replicated the process
for a Manufacturing Night. Data from Aptitude & Career
Discovery will continue to play a critical role in targeting
the right students to invite to the center’s events.