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Light Painting Photography, 18 of the Worlds Best
Artists Painting With Light
by jason on April 14, 2011
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Light Painting Photography has been around since 1914 when Frank Gilbreth first use the form to study the
motion of manufacturing and clerical workers. Light painting photography is also known as light painting,
light drawing, light writing, light graffiti, light art, light art performance photography, LAPP, camera
painting, and kinetic photography. All of these names are, in one form or another, long exposure
photography. In Light Painting Photography the artist is leaving the shutter of the camera open for an
extended period of time and using various lights to create color and design within the frame. Shutter speeds
for light paintings can vary anywhere from 5 seconds up to 5 hours or more. To be a true light painting
photograph the image must be created in one single frame without any post production manipulation
whatsoever, a.k.a. NO PHOTOSHOP. Proper light painting photographs are known as SOOC or straight out
of camera. This is a list of 18 of the worlds best light painting photographers.
Artists Painting With Light
Eric Staller: Eric began creating his light painting images in 1976 and he is known as the father of light
painting in its present day form.
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Dean Chamberlain: Dean began light painting in the late 70s and has created stunning portraits of well
known individuals such as David Bowie and Paul McCartney.
Vicki DaSilva: Vicki is the first female light painting artist and the first to create text light graffiti. She is
known for her light graffiti work as well as her elaborate installation based light paintings.
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Troy Paiva: Troy has been capturing his imagery since 1989 and is best known for his light painting work
of abandon building and places that America has lost to time.
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Patrick Rochon: Patrick is known for his visionary light painting portraits as well as his work in the
automotive world and his live light painting performances.
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Aurora Crowley: Aurora was introduced to the light by Patrick Rochon. He focuses his light painting
photography work on the world of high fashion. Aurora shoots exquisite light paintings of some of the
world’s most beautiful people.
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LAPP-PRO: Light Painting Artist LAPP-PRO is made up of two men, JanLeonardo Woellert and Joerg
Miedza. Together they are the creators of Light Art Performance Photography or LAPP.
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Lichtfaktor: Light writing graffiti artist Lichtfaktor is a collective of multi-talented individuals based in
Cologne, Germany, they are $ehvermögen (Marcel Panne), JIAR (David Lüpschen) and 10X (Tim Fehske).
The group’s lightwriting style is heavily influenced by their backgrounds as street and graffiti artist.
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Chanette Manso: Chanette is best known for her light painting work that focuses on the human form.
Chanette uses a variety of lights to create beautiful images of dancers, Indian icons, balancing acts, and
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Dana Maltby: Dana, a.k.a. TCB, is one of todays light painting photography pioneers he is constantly
creating new tools and techniques to push the limits of light painting photography.
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Jason D. Page: Jason is best known for his beautiful landscape light painting photographs. He is extremely
passionate about the art form and is dedicated to the promotion and progression of light painting
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Janne Parviainen: Janne is best know for his light painting figures. He is not only a talented light painter he
is also an accomplished oil painter.
Trevor Williams: Trevor is another light painting pioneer. He has made one of the single greatest
contributions to the light painting movement with his founding of the Flickr group Light Junkies.
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Michael Bosanko: Michael has been light painting since 2004. He has had great success with light painting
photography. Michael has created images for several commercial clients and been published in numerous
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Guilhem Nicolas: Guilhem, a.k.a. Jadikan-LP, is known for being a bit mysterious and secretive in his
process and with the tools that he uses to create his light painting images. He enjoys shooting a wide
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variety of subjects, everything from the human form to architecture.
Jake Saari: Jake, a.k.a Ectro, is figuratively and literally underground. He is lesser known that his roommate
TCB, but he quietly creates amazing images while exploring the possibilities of light painting photography.
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Chris Benbow: Chris, a.k.a. Nocturne, has coined his own term for his style of light painting photography
its called noctography. Chris’s style is influenced by one of his favorite light painters Troy Pavia.
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Jeremy Jackson: Jeremy works harder than you. He produces an insane amount of light painting images and
is well known for his Fire and Light Masks.
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To learn more about light painting photography visit LightPaintingPhotography.com.
Author : Jason D. Page
Light painting artist Jason D. Page has been a photographer for sixteen years. He has been light painting
since 2004. Jason first discovered light painting photography when he used light from the moon to create
designs in the sky. His first light painting series are known as “Moonlight Drawings”. He has received
parking tickets, trespass warnings, and been chased out of the woods by a possible Bigfoot all in the name
of light painting photography. Jason prefers to shoot alone at night deep into the woods, he says the fear that
he sometimes feels allows his imagination to run wild and under these circumstances Jason can create his
best work. Find out more about Jason at his website.
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40 Examples of Stunning Light Painting Artwork
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
Filipe Valente April 14, 2011 at 2:49 pm
For some reason I have a problem with liking this type of art
Matt Payne April 14, 2011 at 6:07 pm
Amazing examples. I really enjoy light painting. I think it is a very awesome way to express artistic
forms. Very cool. Thank you for this article!
Ridhuan April 14, 2011 at 8:05 pm
Owh my.. so beautiful
79delight April 14, 2011 at 8:36 pm
MAddddd, cool pics ! So easy to have a trendy thing…. bur So difficult to have a deep thing !
dzejbi April 14, 2011 at 10:16 pm
nice!check our latest work at:facebook.com/lightbomb with ballet dancers.greetings from warsaw light
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