DATE: July 7, 2000 NUMBER: 00-03
SUBJECT: Substitute Teaching While Holding an University Internship
Credential, District Internship Certificate, or Pre-Intern Certificate
A recent change in Title 5 Regulations concerning who may serve as a day-to-day substitute
teacher has raised questions whether individuals holding university internship credentials,
district internship certificates, or pre-intern certificates may day-to-day substitute teach. The
change in regulations was distributed in January of this year in Coded Correspondence 0000-
03. This Credential Information Alert reviews the assignment option in those regulations and
how it effects individuals who hold these internship credentials and certificates and pre-intern
Subsection (c) of Title 5 §80025.3, shown on the next page, states that individuals holding
University Internship Credentials, District Internship Certificates, and Pre-Intern Certificates
are not authorized to serve as day-to-day substitute teachers. The Commission believes that it
is important for individuals in these programs to focus on the assignment in which they are
serving their internship. The provisions listed in subsections (a) and (b) of Section 80025.3
allow fully credentialed teachers and holders of emergency permits to day-to-day substitute
for 30 days for any one teacher.
To further define subsection (c) of Title 5 §80025.3, university internship credentials, district
internship certificates, and pre intern certificates do not authorize service in the following
1) Substitute teaching, regardless if the assignment is within the subject area or outside the
subject area authorized by the internship credential or certificate.
2) Substitute teaching within the school district in which the document is restricted, in
another school district, or under the jurisdiction of the county.
3) Substitute teaching during summer school or another part of the regular school year,
such as off-track, or any other time during which the individual is serving on the basis of
the internship credential or certificate.
P.O. BOX 944270, SAC RAMENTO, CA 94244-2700
888-921-2682 or (within the 916 area code) 445-7256
University interns, district interns, and pre interns may serve in the following assignments:
Credential Information Alert - Internship Credentials and Certificate page 2
1) University and district interns: During summer school only if the assignment is in the
subject area authorized by the internship credential or certificate and is considered as
fulfilling the internship.
2) Pre-interns: During summer school only if the assignment is in the subject area
authorized by the internship certificate.
If an intern or pre-intern wishes to substitute teach during summer school or during another
part of the school year, he or she will need to apply for and be issued an Emergency 30-Day
Substitute Teaching Permit.
If you have further questions, please contact the Commission at one of the addresses or the
telephone number found at the bottom of page one of this Alert.
Text of Title 5 Regulations
Title 5 §80025.3 . Day to Day Substitute Teaching.
(a) The holder of a valid California teaching or services credential for which the requirements are
equal to or greater than those listed in Title 5 Section 80025(a)(1) and (2) for an Emergency
30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit is authorized to serve as a substitute in any classroom;
preschool, kindergarten and grades 1-12, inclusive; or in classes organized primarily for
adults. However, the holder shall not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one
teacher during the school year. Holders of teaching or services credentials issued prior to
February 1, 1983 will not be held to the requirement in Education Code §44252(b) if the
requirements for the credential included a bachelor's degree and a professional preparation
(b) The holder of a permit or credential issued according to the provisions of Title 5 Section
80023.2, 80025.1 or 80071.4 (c) may, in addition to the authorization of the permit, serve as a
substitute in any classroom; preschool, kindergarten and grades 1-12, inclusive; or in classes
organized primarily for adults during the valid period of the permit in any district within the
county listed on the document. However, the holder shall not serve as a substitute for more
than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year.
(c) The provisions of this section do not apply to teachers who hold documents issued
under the provisions of Education Code Sections 44305, 44321 or 44325.
(Emphasis added)