Guide for Agents
Real estate agent
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SupraWEB Guide for Agents
© 2022 Carrier. All rights reserved. Supra is a part of Carrier. Supra, ActiveKEY, and eKEY are registered trademarks of Carrier. Other brand and product names are or may be
the trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This publication
may contain examples of screen captures and reports used in daily operations. Examples may include ctitious names of individuals and companies. Any similarity to names
and address of actual businesses or persons is entirely coincidental. 10104975P1g EN
Table of Contents
Overview .........................................................................................................1
Log in to SupraWEB ............................................................................................1
SupraWEB Home Page ........................................................................................1
Home Page Quick Links .................................................................................................... 2
Menu Bar ............................................................................................................................. 2
Update Code .........................................................................................................3
Identify a Keyholder .............................................................................................3
Manage Lockbox Inventory .................................................................................3
Listing Inventory ..................................................................................................4
Assign a Listing ...................................................................................................4
Unassign a Listing ...............................................................................................5
Listing Details ......................................................................................................5
Activity Reports ..................................................................................................6
Create a Report .................................................................................................................. 6
Set up Scheduled Email Showing Report ........................................................................ 7
Showing Notications .........................................................................................7
End of Showing Notication ............................................................................................. 8
Set Up Notications for All Inventoried Lockboxes ....................................................... 9
Set Up Notications for Individual Lockboxes ............................................................... 9
Showing Activity .............................................................................................................. 10
Lockbox Showing Report ................................................................................................ 11
Modify Email Settings ...................................................................................................... 11
Showing Feedback ............................................................................................12
View Feedback .................................................................................................................12
Leave Feedback on a Showing ....................................................................................... 13
Add a Feedback Question ............................................................................................... 13
Manage Billing Information ...............................................................................13
Add/Cancel Insurance ..................................................................................................... 14
Pay with SupraWEB ......................................................................................................... 14
Change the Billing Credit Card ....................................................................................... 14
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
SupraWEB is the agent website. With SupraWEB you can perform several functions from your computer or mobile device.
The functions that are displayed in SupraWEB depend on the type of electronic key, key service, device choice, and features
chosen by the association/MLS.
Things you can do eKey-specic activities on SupraWEB
Obtain an update code for a key
Identify keyholder names by key serial
Manage lockbox inventory and listing in-
View, email, and schedule activity reports
Set up showing notications
View and send showing feedback
Manage your bill
To learn more about SupraWEB functions available specically with
your key, see the key user manual on Below are
some examples of eKEY-specic SupraWEB functions.
Set up your market area (eKEY Professional users)
Change your PIN code (eKEY users)
Obtain an authorization code to install the eKEY software (eKEY
Manage alerts, if this feature activated (eKEY users)
Lockbox Assistant (eKEY users)
Log in to SupraWEB
To log into SupraWEB, a key must be assigned to you rst. This rst-time login requires a user ID and password, key serial
number, PIN, and the selection of the appropriate board/association from the list.
1. Go to
2. Click SupraWEB Login for Real Estate Agents.
Note: Click Register on the home page to sign up for a Single Sign On
(SSO) user ID and password.
3. Enter your user ID and password and select Login.
SupraWEB Home Page
In SupraWEB, the Showings Dashboard displays the showing activity at your listings (lockboxes in your inventory) for the date
range specied. The showing data is available for the last six (6) months. Boards can opt-in to features, which determine
what is available to view in SupraWEB. The top menu bar links to feature pages. The QUICK LINKS are frequently accessed
actions. In the Showings Dashboard, click on any of the links with arrows to sort the information.
Top Menu Bar
Change the dashboard
date range
See Feedback
Need help?
For more information on how to use your electronic key, Mobile SupraWEB, or lockboxes,
visit and click Customer Support.
For free support - 7 days a week, 5am to 7pm Pacic time - call 1-877-699-6787
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Home Page Quick Links
QUICK LINKS section on the home page shows the most common tasks used on SupraWEB.
Common Key Quick Links
Update Code Display a current update code for the key
Identify Keyholder Identify the name of a keyholder by key serial number
Add Lockbox Add lockboxes to the Showings Dashboard and in reports
Assign Listing Assign a listing ID to a lockbox from the inventory to show where it is placed
Authorization Code Generate an authorization code used to install the eKEY software
Change PIN Change the eKEY PIN code
Market Area Set up or make changes to your market area (for eKEY Professional service customers)
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar at the top of the screen allows for easy navigation through SupraWEB.
Menu Bar
HOME Returns to the SupraWEB home screen and the Showings Dashboard
LISTINGS View information about your listings and assign them to lockboxes
REPORTS View, schedule, and email showing and key activity reports
SETTINGS View your user information and key information and dene email settings
BILLING For agents that pay their fees to Supra, view account balance, make a payment, update account
information, and add or cancel insurance on a key (qualied key types only)
SUPPORT Supra Support team contact information
Update Code
To obtain an update code for the key, select the Update Code link in the QUICK LINKS section. If you cooperate in
additional areas, the update codes for each of those areas are shown below your primary update code.
Important! If more than one Supra key is assigned to you by your organization, you can change the key information viewed
by selecting SETTINGS, choose the key serial number at the bottom of the screen, and then click Select.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Identify a Keyholder
The steps below show you how to identify a keyholder by key serial number.
1. Click Identify
2. Enter the key serial
3. Click Find.
Manage Lockbox Inventory
1. Click LISTINGS. 2. Click the Lockboxes
3. Manage the lockbox
Click Add Lockbox, enter the
lockbox serial number, shackle
code, and MLS number where
the box is located.
To assign a listing to a lockbox
already in your inventory,
select the Assign Listing drop-
down, choose the lockbox,
and enter the MLS number
where the lockbox is located.
Listing Inventory
View all of the listings that have lockboxes assigned to them by selecting LISTINGS. A sortable view of the listings that
have lockboxes assigned to them is displayed. If a photo for a listing was uploaded, a camera icon is shown next to the MLS
#, click the camera icon to see the photo.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Showings that aren’t tied to a listing have an Assign Listing MLS# icon in the right column. Click the Assign
Listing MLS# icon to assign the listing ID to the lockbox.
Feedback on showings is indicated by a Showing Feedback icon. Click the Showing Feedback icon to view
feedback on a particular showing.
Listing Inventory Screen
MLS # View the listing details.
Lockbox # View the settings for the lockbox placed on the listing.
Address View a Google map of the address.
Showing Activity icon View the last six months of showing activity for the listing.
Email Showing Agents icon Send an email to all the agents that have shown the listing.
Listing Details Edit the listing number and address, see the showing hours, add feedback questions,
and set up individual lockbox showing notications.
Lockboxes Link in QUICK LINKS on the left, to view a list of the lockboxes in your inventory.
Add Lockbox Link in ACTIONS on the left, to add a lockbox to your inventory.
Assign a Listing
1. In QUICK LINKS, click Assign Listing.
2. Choose the lockbox serial number.
3. Add the MLS number.
4. Click Assign.
5. Click Add Address.
6. Add information and click Done.
Unassign a Listing
1. Cick the LISTINGS tab.
2. Click the lockbox serial number.
3. Click the Listing Details tab.
4. Click Change MLS#.
5. Delete the MLS number and leave it blank.
6. Click Assign.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Listing Details
Click on the Listing ID link to view or edit
listings from the Showings Dashboard
or click on LISTINGS and then click the
MLS# link from your Listing Inventory.
Edit information and click Save.
Listing Inventory Screen
Change MLS # Change the MLS listing number assigned to the lockbox.
Edit Address Edit the listing address.
Edit Email CC Designate an email recipient to receive an email anytime the listing is shown.
Edit Photo Add a photo of the listing. The photo appears on your Listing Inventory page and when
you email agents that have shown your listing as a reminder of the listing.
Add Feedback Question Add questions to solicit specic feedback about the listing from showing agents.
Add Lockbox Add a lockbox to your lockbox inventory.
Unassign Listing Unassign the lockbox from the listing when the lockbox is removed.
Delete Lockbox Delete the lockbox assigned to the listing from your lockbox inventory.
Showing Activity View the last six (6) months of showing activity for the listing.
Assign Listing Assign a listing to a lockbox.
Individual Scheduled Report Schedule an email report for the listing.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Activity Reports
There are two (2) main report links to choose from (depending on what options your board chooses) that can be viewed,
printed, or emailed. Click the Scheduled Email Settings link to schedule a recurring report.
Create Showing Report - A Showing Report provides the start of showing and end of showing information plus
feedback for all of the showings at your listings.
Create Key Activity Report - A Key Activity Report displays all the listings you have shown. This report provides the
start of showing and end of showing information for the showings you have performed in the last six (6) months within
your primary association and any cooperating areas.
Create a Report
1. From SupraWEB, select REPORTS.
2. Click the type of report to create.
3. Customize the report:
a. For a showing report - click which listings or lockboxes to include.
b. Select the date range.
c. For a showing report - click to include the showing agent’s contact information. If emailing the report to a
client, you may not want to include the showing agent’s contact information.
d. Click to include feedback sent to you from showing agents in the report, if desired.
5. Click Create Report to view the report.
6. To print or email the report, click the Print Report or Email Report icon at the top of the screen.
7. To add your photo and contact information to the email, see the next section.
Set up Scheduled Email Showing Report
Set up SupraWEB to send yourself a weekly or monthly Showing Report. The scheduled reports automatically include the
showing information for all of the lockboxes in your inventory.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
1. From SupraWEB, select REPORTS.
2. Click Scheduled Email Settings.
3. Enter your email address.
4. Choose from the weekly or monthly
drop-down menu.
5. Click to include in the report any
feedback sent to you from showing
6. Enter any additional email addresses to
send the report.
7. In the Personalized Signature Image
section, click Browse and choose a
picture you would like shown on emails
and reports.
8. Fill out your contact information in the
Personalized Signature Text box to
have your contact information display
on emails and reports.
9. Click Save.
Showing Notications
Listing agents have several options for sending showing notications. Use SupraWEB to add multiple people (i.e. the listing
agent, oce sta, and the home owner) to receive beginning and ending showing notications. Notications are sent to
email addresses or cell phone numbers (as text).
Notication Recipient Showing Notication Action
Listing agent To receive notications, make sure your email is correct in the Email Address eld and
check the Send me showing notications... box in General Email Settings.
Partner or team member Add partners to receive all showing notications by entering their email in the Also send
a copy to: (CC) eld.
Client To have your client receive notications, go to the specic lockbox in your inventory,
check the box and enter your client’s email.
The Showing Notication feature alerts the listing agent when a lockbox key container is opened to start a showing. This
information can be displayed on all activity reports.
Showing information includes lockbox serial number, associated listing address/information, date of showing, the beginning
and the end of the showing time (if enabled), and displays on all activity reports in SupraWEB.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
End-of-Showing Notication
Boards or associations must contact Supra to “opt-in” to showing notications rst for this feature to be available. The eKEY
application uses multiple methods (including GPS data captured when the lockbox is opened) to detect when the showing
has ended. End of Showing (EoS) information includes the listing address (or lockbox serial number if the listing address is
not available), and date and time the showing ended. End of Showing notication allows the listing agent and designated
recipients to see when the showing ended for the property.
Notication Enabled Showing Notication Checkbox Says:
Not Enabled
Send me showing notications for all lockboxes in my inventory
Send me beginning and estimated end of showing notications for all lockboxes
in my inventory
Below is an example of an EoS notication message that is transmitted to designated recipients.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Set Up Notications for All Inventoried Lockboxes
Set up notications for all the lockboxes in your inventory at once.
1. Click the SETTINGS tab.
2. Click the General Email link.
3. Check Send me showing notications...
4. Add recipients to Also send a copy...
5. Click Save.
Note: The recipients get an email from the
Supra system indicating their email address is
subscribed to receive showing notications.
Set Up Notications for Individual Lockboxes
Set up showing notications to the individual lockboxes in your inventory.
1. Click the LISTINGS tab.
2. Click the Listing Details icon for the lockbox.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
3. Check Send me showing notications...
4. Add recipients to Also send a copy...
5. Click Save.
Note: The recipients get an email from
the Supra system indicating their email
address is subscribed to receive showing
Showing Activity
Each time a lockbox key container is opened, the lockbox records the showing information, communicates with the key, and
the key sends the information to the Supra network. You can view and manage your lockbox inventory on the Supra website.
Once the lockboxes are in inventory and placed at a listing, you can view the last six (6) months of showing information.
1. Click the LISTINGS tab.
2. Click the Lockboxes link in QUICK LINKS.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Lockbox Showing Report
View a report on the showing activity for a specic lockbox.
1. Click the LISTINGS tab.
2. Click the Showing Activity icon for the
Modify Email Settings
The system can send you an email when someone opens one of your lockboxes or sends showing feedback.
1. Click SETTINGS. 2. Click General Email. 3. Enter your email
4. Check each notice to
receive and add email
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
5. Click Browse and select
a photo.
6. Enter your contact
7. Click Save.
When one of your listings has been shown and the showing information is sent to the network, you’ll receive a new showing
Showing Feedback
Feedback sent to you from when your listings were shown can be viewed on SupraWEB. You can send feedback on your
showings to the listing agents through SupraWEB.
View Feedback
Feedback sent to you on a showing is indicated by a Showing Feedback icon. Click the Showing Feedback icon to
view the feedback on a particular showing.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Leave Feedback on a Showing
1. Click Feedback
2. Click Leave Feedback
3. Use the drop-down
menu and Notes eld to
provide feedback.
4. Click Submit Feedback.
Add a Feedback Question
Add up to ten custom feedback questions that are displayed when a showing agents leaves you feedback on one of your
1. From SupraWEB click LISTINGS.
2. From the Listing Inventory, click the listing ID link.
3. Click Add Feedback Question.
4. Enter a question and click Save.
When the showing agent goes into SupraWEB to leave
feedback on the showing, any additional feedback
questions you’ve entered for the listing are displayed.
Manage Billing Information
If you pay key fees to Supra, you can manage your billing information online. If you pay your key fees to the association or
MLS, the Billing Menu option is not displayed. Automatic payment is required for eKEY keyholders.
Select the Billing Menu option at the top of the SupraWEB screen and your account balance and the Billing Menu options
are shown.
Billing Menu
Account Balance View a current account balance and make a payment.
Billing History View invoices and payment history.
Account Information View or change the billing address and payment method and enable/disable automatic
billing and electronic invoicing.
Contracts Displays key information and the start of your contract, billing frequency, and next
billing date and allows you to add or cancel insurance if applicable.
FAQ View frequently asked questions about managing your billing information.
SupraWEB Guide for Agents
Add/Cancel Insurance
If the key has not connected with the Supra network recently you must open a key container or release a shackle to verify
the key is in your possession and functioning before you can purchase insurance.
1. From SupraWEB select BILLING.
2. Click Contracts.
3. Click the appropriate link to Add
Insurance or Cancel Insurance.
4. Click Email or Print icon.
Pay with SupraWEB
1. Click BILLING.
Note: Open invoices show in the Account Balance by default when billing is clicked.
2. Click an invoice from Account Balance.
3. Choose to use the card on le or add a new card and expiration date.
4. Click the box under Terms and Conditions.
5. Click Make Payment of $xx.xx.
Change the Billing Credit Card
To change the billing credit card information in SupraWEB, follow the steps below.
1. In SupraWEB, click BILLING.
2. Click Account Information.
3. Click New Credit Card #.
4. Add the new card number.
5. From the drop-down, add the
expiration date.
6. Click the box under Terms and Conditions.
7. Click Save.