The Official Newsletter of Camp Towanda, Honesdale PA
For Boys & Girls - Established 1923
Nestled in Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains
Owners & Directors: Mitch and Stephanie Reiter
Winter Address: 4 York Court, New City, NY, 10956-1148
Tel: 845-639-4582 Fax: 845-638-2194
Summer Address: 700 Niles Pond Rd., Honesdale, PA 18431-6537
Tel: 570-253-3266 Fax: 570-253-6334
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
©2013 Camp Towanda, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reproduced or used without permission.
O U R 9 2 n d Y E A R
Vol. 92 No. 2 New Year Issue “Camp Towanda: Don’t Try This At Home” ©2013 20FIVE90TWO
Lots of camper sermons start out
with something along the lines of:
the rst time I stepped off the bus
onto Camp Towanda, I was scared. It
was a strange new place, lled with
people I didn’t know yet, and I was
without my family for the rst time.
My experience, however, was a little
different. I had been raised on stories
of camp for my whole life. Thanks to
encouragement from my father, my
brother, and my sister, I was more than
ready to hop on the bus and go. I was
excited for the weeks to come, with
activities and sports, talent shows, trip
days, Olympics, and of course, making
new friends.
So, for me, the last time I stepped
off the bus onto Camp Towanda, I
was scared. It was my nal year as
a camper, and I knew that after the
summer, I might not see some of my
friends for a very long time. And
though this fear has been plaguing me
from the beginning of this summer,
I have since come to realize that it
has also helped me to appreciate the
Ethan Kripke, a 2nd generation Towanda-er, completed his Club year, is currently in 10th grade and will be back in the future as a
counselor!This past July, Ethan wrote the following reection as his sermon to the rest of camp. Watching Ethan grow up at camp,
following in his Dad’s and older siblings footsteps, while paving the way for his younger sister, and entertaining us with his drum
skills, made so many of us very proud; indicative of his friendships with his fellow Club brothers.
summer even more. It motivates me to
have as much fun as possible while I
still can, and to be the best I can be to
the people who have been a huge part
of my life for seven whole years.
In these years, here at Camp
Towanda, I have learned many
lessons that I have used and will
continue to use throughout my life. In
this respect, camp is just as important
as traditional schooling. At camp, you
learn how to take care of yourself and
gain personal independence, while
also learning and appreciating the
value of trust and teamwork. Camp
is a place where you understand that
friendship is one of the strongest
bonds on Earth, and can over come
any challenge. These types of lessons
are never taught at school, yet are
seamlessly integrated into the daily
life of Towanda, helping you learn
from your experiences, whether they
are mistakes or successes. That’s the
beauty of camp: no matter the activity,
you’re having fun while also learning,
even if you don’t realize it at the time.
One of the most important lessons
I have learned throughout my time
at camp is to live in the moment.
While it would be easy to spend
my days reliving the past or only
worrying about what is to come, I
would nd that my summers become
less enjoyable, and some important
experiences would pass me by. In the
end, the advice that I have to give to
the younger campers (of which I was
one) is to cherish the “now”—not the
“then”, or the ‘will be’, and to fully
appreciate things as they happen,
because before you know it, they will
only be fond memories.
Coming Soon:
• Details about Stephanie’s Book
Club for parents
• What to expect
• Checklists
• Forecasts
• Fun casts and more!
And the winner of AirBands 2013 is the: Junior Boys’
Elmo! Congratulations; it somehow got lost in breakout!...
Camp Mom Barb Shields passed her Florida Real Estate
exam; see her for your South Florida housing needs…
Honey hani, Rachaeeee26 and Lauren Cohen’s Towanda
closet overow (see pix)…Thanks for your support at the
Foundation Fighting Blindness’ Wine Tasting (see pix)…
get ready for some senior citizien bingo on a rainy day
this coming summer….Ben JR Berk won his baseball
championship…At the next concert be sure to look for the
CT brick at Bethel Woods (see PIX)…Danielle Fennimore
is teaching math and coaching softball and will be back…
Andrew “Tadpole” Balick is the Executive Chef at Tap
42 in Fort Lauderdale…Cory Randell is in Chile (see pix
in CT shirt)…Lisa Canarick ran into Mitch & Stephanie
in NY, where she is a lawyer…Fred Schulman has
expanded his law practice in NYC, too….Many of the
boys of Club 1991 got together in NYC for an evening of
reminiscing….several of the 2014 CIT girls got together
(they are psyched), see pix…Our Social Media Director
(Dorm 1992), Lauren Eckstein Forman has designed a
new logo for Sunday Breakfast (see logo)…Anthony
Gallagher (98) says hi…Gina Kelly (2002) stopped by
and remembered her Tweens, Dani Pines, Rachel Brenner
and everyone else!...Sarah Adair 1984-86, General of the
Warlords, sends her regards and hopes her son will be a counselor in the future….Thanks
to everyone who participated in this years pumpkin carving contest!(see pix)....Jason
Schatz stopped by to say hi…Tyler and Lindsay Bisk will be in Israel to celebrate Tylers
Bar-Mitzvah over the December vacation…we wish everyone a healthy
and happy holiday season; Camp will be KEEN in 2014 (oy)!
Aerial postcard update differences. After 15 years, we have a new aerial postcard; Can you spot the differences
between the two? Send in your list to [email protected] and
we’ll give the answers in the next issue of the TT. Prize: KIT-KAT ‘s for your group!
The crazy chaotic and overwhelming excitement of the LUCKY STRIKE REUNION at the
Palisades Center Mall in West Nyack, NY on November 23 was once again, crazy, chaotic,
overwhelming, wonderful, fun, spirited, exciting and good old camp stuff!
Campers, staff, parents, alumni and even some friends
of camp enjoyed a frolicking good time (complete with
plenty of free parking, atbread pizza with incomplete
sauce and cheese, bowling, billiards, Friday Nite Flix
and pre-holiday shopping)!
If you were unable to attend and did not receive a
FNF DVD in the mail, please contact
Many were in attendance, not everyone signed in, but those that did…
Alexa Milove, Ava and Jake Weiss, Evan King, Gabby Kitchen, Sydney Brown, Emily
and Greg Schwartz, Jordan and Dylan Zgodny, Carson and Cooper Crisp, Drew and Ally
Botwinick, Caden Payones, Cooper and Ben Gallinson, Sam Geanacopoulos, Sarah Klein,
Dylan, Jordyn and Liza (Prussin) Tish, Sophie Gerson, Cayla and Monique Schwartz, Eliza
and Hannah Garmise, Morgan Korn, Alexa Caplan, Mitch, Stephanie (and their clones) , Jared
and Brandon Reiter, Bob, Phyllis and Matt Miller, Jordan, Jake and Randy Silverberg, Jillian
and Jessie Horowitz, Amy Miller-Horowitz, Molly Cohen, Hanna and Howie Schrager, Lili
Miller, Ethan and Zoe Denenberg, Josh Romero, Gabe, Daniel, Benjamin and Jason Charney,
Brandon, Craig, Marnie and Jordan Cooper, Jake Levy, Evan Lang, Steven Frydman, Jack
and Max Lipkind, Owen Furlong, , Bella Messer, Jared, Heather and Mitchell Ginsburg,
Olivia and Hannah Plotnek, Adam and Andrew Schwartz, Jesse Starr, Samson, Zac and Jonah
Gelfand, Jules Moskowitz, Nicole and Hillary Lehrhoff, Jessie and Robbie April, Mollie,
Ali and Michael “Spiz” Spiesman, Jack Tuchman, Jordan Nemirovsky, Samantha Fox, Jake
Weinstein, Eric and Adam Abrams, Andrew and Sydney Rowan, Grace Kisslinger, Judson and
Karlyn Levi, Abby Roth, Betsy and Simon Muller, Harrison Kane, Madison, Lily and Sari
Dulman, Lindsay Bisk, Maxine and Sam Herbst, Madison and Michael Mariam, Dylan and
Jake Rosen, Daniel “DJ” Rosenthal, Alex Cohen, Sera Person, Lara Margolis, Zoey, Brittany
and Tush Seitzman, Joey Goret, Evan Naccarella, Huggie and Rich Keller, Dylan Ettinger,
Nikki Schachtel, Cooper Seligson, Alan, Emma and David Leipsner, Jacob and Sydney Gubner,
Sara Friedman, Rachel Labarre, Rachel Hoffman, Erica Levy, Sam Davidovich, Jeffrey Lowell,
Yaz Bates, Noah and Hannah Paige, Courtney and Amanda Breit, Katya Samus, Diego De la
Fuente, Brian Klasner, Ithan Zaslow, Amanda and Laura Goldwasser, Steph Simon, Mel Buck,
Jamie Levine, Lauren Eckstein Forman, Josh Merlin, Grant Babyatsky, Olivia Rubin, Hanna
Torine, Gabi Goldstein, Ava and Izzy Schwartzapfel, Emery and Garrett Jochnau, Emma and
Max Boruchov, Natalie Smith, Samantha and Alexa Knee, Morgan and Ashley Haber, Rachel
Monastersky, Matt Gutkin, Alex Wasserman, Sam Grinberg, Sam Ross, Francine Klarsfeld,
Sydney Wolin, Jordan, Cole and Boppy Berke, Avi, Brenen and Jayde Grossman, Zoe
Birnbaum, Alex Klein, Charli Vogel, Riley
Kurzer, Jamie Davis, Arielle and Gillian
Bloom, Zoe and Grifn Lanel, Rachel
Steiner, Carsyn Balter, Hallie Abish, Valerie
and Jacqueline Maier, Emma Fetterman,
Michael and Ian Kantor, Jessica Radfar,
Brahm Weiseneck, Ella Gitler, Hannah
Seley, Ben and Andrew Berk, Maxwell
Gelman, Adam and Riley Albert, Zach
Halperin, Sam Shulman, Jordan Sharaf, Fallon Roher, Rachel and Austin Slater, Bailey
and Addison Abramowitz, Leah, Jillian and Dylan Jaffe, Justin Halper, Zach, Matt and
Allie Chaikin, Marlee Schneider, Ava Schneider, Marbles Manela, Carly Miseo, Jordan
Hammer, Hailey Bergman, Alyssa and Bubbles Heller, Hannah, Charlotte and Sophie
Kriftcher, Jackie Grossbard, Aidan and Zach Neidoff, Mitchell and Jake Sloane, Robert
Kayton, Melissa Buzin, Jordyn Salm, Jerry and Dylan Friedman, Robin Hollenberg
Brown, Julie Rosen Boruchov, Ben Fuhrman, Sean Smith, Memo Esteva, Mike “The
Plumber” and Linda Notarangelo, Z, Caroline Lerche, Rachel and Jessica Luftig, Chelsea
Shemesh, Amanda Gershowitz, Lindsay and Melissa Ilgner.
As we approach JANUARY 18, 2014, which 2-time 2nd generationer,
Samantha Ross, as the ofcial keeper of the Camp Towanda tipping point
time clock, indicates is the exact balanced date of number of days since
camp ended till the number of days until camp will restart, it allows us to
reect and look forward……
Although you have your own reections, some that I can still recall
include, in addition to all the activities, inter-camp games, evening
activities, special events and more and more are:
From seeing everyone at line-ups, dancing in the mess hall, on the
surfboards in the lake, entering the amphitheater to great music to The rst 10
days of camp we had a thunderstorm every afternoon followed by 3 weeks of an
average of hot & humid 90s. The Goat Alert Alarm system was activated for the goats
(actually the horses named chipmunk and donkey), rabbits and chickens (who are
now producing at least 4 eggs a day). The Feng Shui of the CIT girls. Trying to convert
from the old wooden outdoor tables to testing the poly recycling wood tables and chairs (a big and not easy consideration).
How many Porch and outdoor Buffet breakfasts? How about the Olympic scenery (from the faulty cloning factory to the fun
graveyard of zombies and all the shredded paper on the oor)! They “…started at the bottom, now we’re here…” shouted
the C –L- U- B, while the CITs responded with a “we started at the bottom and now we are back”!’ The bird dropped during
Girls Sing, just moments away from possibly wrecking the Dorm’s appetite!; Those scary clone pictures. The CITuation. Yo-
Yo class (Dan will be back for more in 2014). Did anyone ever eat the getile sh and matzo supply that is in the Canteen?
Melton Levine pronouncing “TMF”= Too Much Fun! Mitch still owes B-3 a story! The YES girls from the Dillies. The Root
beer Mug Club from the Wayne County Fair. And, of course, More Tiki Barber Lollipops than you can eat.
That WAS part of what WAS; As for TIPPING towards the upcoming summer of 2014; the 92nd year of Camp Towanda and
our 25th year as Owners and Directors; well, WHAT’S NEW will be in the next issue of The Towanda Times!!!
Happy New Year!
Drama Department
Presents in 2014:
Mama Mia (LC)
We will rock you by Queen (UC)
Robin hood, men in tights
We want to give a hearty welcome and shout out to our new campers (as of press time). It won’t be long until you
are comfortable and feeling very much at home with lots of new friends. You will be hearing from your Camp Big
Brother or Sister in the Spring; In the meantime, under a lot of pressure, we have provided a nickname (of sorts) for you. Do not
worry, it is not ofcial and we bet you will have a new one as the days unfurl at Camp Towanda for you!
Welcome to the camp family!
Ella “Livn” Barnes, Izzy “IzB” Berger, Alex “Abey” Berk (Ben JR’s brother, 2nd generation; Dad Andrew), Luke “The Liner”
Berliner, Gabe “Saint” Bernick (Ari’s brother), Sarah “The Brandster” Brandstaedter, Sophia “Brand” Brandstaedter, Rebecca “Cola”
Charney (sister of Gabe, Ben & Daniel), Ari “R-E-C” Citrin, Kylie “KC” Cohen, Zachary “Z-Co” Cohen (Alex’s brother), Adam “
Me?” Davis, Andrew “You?” Davis, Haley “River” Davis, Samuel “Dobs” Dobson (Gerry’s brother), Maddy “Dryke” Drykerman
(Jake’s sister), Alec “Doob” Dubin (Matt’s Brother), Andrew “Delray” Dubin (Matt & Alec’s cousin), Lily “Miss D” Dulman
(Madison’s sister, 3rd generation, Mom is Sari Gaitman, Grandma is Caren Goldstein), Ruby “Rub-E” Ellison (Henry’s sister), Matt
“Espy” Espinosa, Mikey “Mike E.” Espinosa, Ilana “If” Feder, Ryan “1,2,3 Man” Forman (2nd generation, mom is Lauren Eckstein),
Emily “Emox” Fox (Sami’s sister), Bella “B Free” Freed, Samantha “Florida Free” Freed, Audrey “Good Buy” Gabbai, Josh “Hello”
Gabbai, Samantha “SamGold” Goldberg, Avery “Vitz” Gourvitz, Romy “Lil Green” Green (Sami & Allie’s sister), Adam “144”
Grossman, Paige “P-G” Grossman, Ava “Ms.Guzz” Guzzardi (Dom’s sister), Bailey “You Gotta Go” Hecht (3rd generation, mom is
Penny Kramer, grandma is Diane Haas), Zoe “Zerman” Herman, Ryan “RJ” James (Spencers brother), Caroline “Sweet” Kelman,
Chase “Matters” Klein (Alex’s brother), Sophie “Chee” Krejci, Callie “See-K” Krosin, Seth “Skro” Krosin, Elyssa “11”Ledven,
Cole “Lil Levy” Levy (Skittles and Jake Srs brother), Findley “Fin” McRae, Ella “Big Apple” Mesard, Daniel “D-Love” Milove
(Lexi’s bro), Ryan “Negs” Negri, Zach “The Z” Neidoff (Aidan’s bro) , Noah “Nems” Nemirovsky (Jordan’s brother), Daniel “The
D-O” Oliveri, Stephen “Pads” Padilla, Aidan “AP” Parnes (Jared’s brother), Ella “Rose” Rosen, Ariel “A-Rose” & Ella “L-Rose”
Rosenberg (Jessie & Ben Ostrow’s cousins), Julia “Birdie” Roth (Abigail’s sister, 2nd generation, Dad is Eric), Jack “JR” Rothbaum,
Josh “Rubes” Rubin (Olivia’s brother), Ryan “R2” Rudes, Zachary “Shills” Schiller, Ethan “Ets” Schneider (Jakob’s brother), Sophie
“2Es”Schneider (Ava & Sammy’s sister), Brody “Brodes” Schwartz (Cayla’s brother, 2nd generation mom is Monique Bendett),
Brayden “Surface” Serphos, Charlotte “Chaps” Shapiro, Zac “Shay” Shaytin (Jakob & Ethan Scheniders cousin), Chloe “AB1”
Sheinwald, Dylan “AB2” Sheinwald, Evan “AB3” Sheinwald, Madden “Shuff” Shufer, Ava “Says” Simon, Jaren “Smulls” Smullian,
Jordan “Bubbles” Sudnow (Brandon’s (Lil Suds) brother, 2nd generation, dad is Michael “Big Suds”), Marly “M-T” Telchin, Ross
“Arty” Tuchman (Jack’s bro), Jacob “Dubya” Weisberger, Jared “Junior Squash” Weisler (2nd generation, dad is Josh “Squash”),
Jason “Forever” Young, and Logan “Lil Z” Zgodny (Dylan & Jordan’s sister).
Generally Speaking by Jared Reiter
The intensity of the summer is at its peak. You can taste the break in the air. Everyone is on edge. Then suddenly the lights go
out. The horns blare. Is there anybody out there?
Throughout the year we live 10 months for 2 with Towanda always on our mind. Sometimes at camp it seems as if we live
the summer for the ve days of Olympics. The Olympics of Camp Towanda are unparalleled to any other event. Campers
and Counselors alike compete, in good spirit and sportsmanship in red and blue and for Red and Blue. Everyone’s best shines
through. Everyone gives it their all. Everyone has an impact. Everyone’s re burns.
However, none of it would be possible without the teams’ leadership. Twelve counselors are appointed as Generals based
upon several qualities. A general is someone who leads by example, who is a role model for both co-counselors and campers.
Generals represent hard work and stamina. From Breakout till the Dorm
alma mater, for ve days they must make sure all the pieces of the Olympic
puzzle t together seamlessly. Tired is not a word in their vocabulary.
Passion fuels them; the GOC* at their core.
Each year brings a new team of leadership, a new re to Olympics. The
stage for 2014 is set. The Olympiad is calling. Is there anybody out there?
(Editors note: or will there be?)
* Derived from a unique Towanda term, 4DaGock or translated to
“For The Good Of Camp”
Making Sense of Camp Towanda
Even if you could not make it to one of our reunions (Fall Foliage BBQ or the recent NY Lucky Strike reunion or the
upcoming Florida Beach party), you probably can still sense why people often say that Towanda is not just a CAMP, it is a
FAMILY. In fact, a few parents mentioned to me at the recent reunion that Camp Towanda is not just a camp, it is a lifetime
At the reunion, there is an overwhelming warm, frenetic loving camaraderie, coupled with a strong sense of condence,
growth and appreciation. Being part of Camp Towanda naturally nurtures friendship, respect and development.
If you had a chance to read Ethan Kripke’s sermon on the cover, you can sense that a normal day at camp consists of sports,
activities and events that create what on the surface appears to be what camp in general is supposed to be about; BUT, the
truth is LIFE AT CAMP Towanda is so much more.
The opportunity of experiences is what we are about. The good with the bad, the challenges with the easy stuff and the ups
with the downs; is really what happens. Learning to grow up, learning to handle different situations is WHY our campers and
staff unwittingly appreciate and feel that Towanda is special.
One usually doesn’t realize what they have gained until after they are have left camp. Parents usually don’t see it until after
their child has grown up.
I feel that our slogan might need to be “Camp Towanda: Don’t try this at home!” (Hey, that could be a t-shirt or I was
thinking for a t-shirt: Cell Less, Camp More)!
Dealing with homesickness, a friend who is not acting like a friend, a frustrating game, a burnt pancake (I made that up) or
just about any other disappointment in the supportive atmosphere of Towanda is a privilege.
After all, all that, balanced with the laughter, intense fun, inside jokes, creative conversations and over all goofy, being
comfortable being silly stuff allow all of us at Camp, to build on the foundation that will shape who we will become. Not
only do Ethan Kripke and his Club brothers get it, but everyone who passes through and takes a bit of Towanda with them,
does, too.
Camp Towanda is a happy place; Camp Towanda forties life skills and social skills and Camp Towanda is a family of
support, care, friendship and growth.
This is what I sensed at the recent reunion.
CAMP 365
The Camp Towanda experience is denitely 365 days a
year! Although we pride ourselves about being unplugged
while at camp, during the off-season you can join and
follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Stay up to date with
the latest camp pics,
run-ins and meetups,
#towandatrivia on
pics and much more!
All camp! All fun!
All on social media!
Catalog for uniform and packing will be shipped in late January.
You can also order your name labels at
and enter the code “CT2014
OPTIONS will be online to
choose February 1st!
All new this year:
The Hearty Hike and Bike For Nationals thru LITs.
2 day trip to Ricketts Glenn and Jim Thorpe,
Pennsylvania. Explore 22 beautiful
waterfalls, an evening swim and camping
under the stars , along with Mountain biking
along the at terrain Lehigh Gorge Trail.
We are putting together a collage of videos made by you singing the song
“So Happy Together” by The Turtles.
Send in your part by February 1st to: [email protected]
Sing the line by the rst letter of your last name:
"So Happy Together"
Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
So happy together
If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very ne
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
So happy together
How is the weather
So happy together
We're happy together
So happy together
Happy together
So happy together
So happy together (ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba)
If you still have on your Lucky Strike
Reunion flouresent green bracelet at
flagpole the second night of camp;
we’re talking KIT-KAT!!!
OUT this
Circa 1923:
Flagpole line up outside the Mess Hall!
Camp might look a little different but the
more it changes, the more it stays the same!
Camp Towanda
CommuniTy projeCT
Camp Towanda wants to encourage you to give back to your community.
Suggest a project, perhaps in your home town and submit to
[email protected] by March 1st.
Winner will be determined by an online vote which will receive a $250.00
endorsement from Camp Towanda!
For more information, contact [email protected]
Everyone’s welcome to join the fun: campers (old & new), staff, parents, alumni, friends, prospective campers
and their families. If you’re heading south for the holidays, we’d love to see you!!
Bring lotion, camera & towel! Rain or Shine, we will be there.
Thursday Dec. 26, 2013 11:30 AM to 3:00 P.M.
Spanish River Park, Pavilion #1, Boca Raton, Florida.
DIRECTIONS: Spanish River Park is on A1A in Boca Raton, between Spanish River Blvd. and
Palmetto Park Rd.
Enter the park, follow the HOT PINK Towanda ARROWS to Pavilion #1. Park, gather your gear,
go through tunnel to beach, lay down stuff and say ‘Hi!”
Lunch provided! Sandwiches, chips, drinks!
for all new for 2014 campers
and their parents!
Sunday Jan. 12, 2014,
1:00 PM Sharp ‘til 3 PM
at the Fort Lee DoubleTree on Rt 4 East.
Details have been mailed. Please RSVP!
Wednesday January 29, 2014
New Campers, Returning Campers & Staff
Instructions in Forms & Documents section of
CampMinder or drop us an email for a copy of the
instructions at [email protected]
SUNDAY July 27, 2014
(The day after Visiting Day)
11:00am - 3:00pm
Celebrate Mitch & Stephanie’s
25th year
as Owners & Directors
We will be opening time capsules from Dorm & Club through 2004
All alumni visiting is restricted to those age 21 or older (unless you have already been a counselor). Those who are able to
contribute to Olympics with Judgie and referee credentials are invited to inquire about availability.
Visit the Alumni Section
of the website for more info!
(at The Mansion!!!)
Girls Weekend - Saturday January 18, 2014
Boys Weekend - Saturday January 25, 2014
Snow, sledding, frozen Ghost, toboggan, ice shing and
campre in the middle of frozen Sunset Lake, sleeping bags in
front of the Mansion Fireplace and a lot s’more!
Registration details will be e-mailed shortly;
Seniors will need to RSVP!
Let us know if you are
returning for 2014!!!
If you want a copy of 2013 FNF
Highlights, please send us an email
with the correct mailing address.
We’ll mail it soon!
JANUARY 1: Judson Levi, Mitch Reiter; 2: Ari Bernick; 3: Jesse Grossman, Valerie Maier; 4: Hannah Seley, Mike
“The Plumber” Notarangelo, Jan Schvarz; 5: Brett Bolog, Kylie Cohen; 6: Gigi Nemerow, Brett Blee; 7: Daniel
“DJ” Rosenthal, Sami Wishnow; 8: Jack Boruchov, Sam Edwards, Daron Jones; 10: Tana Pracharova; 11: Tekkers
Przylucki; 12: Remy Crone, Chase Klein, Natalie Smith, Andrew Barnett; 13: Alec Friedman, Brenda Schweighofer; 14: Casper’s 9th
Birthday; 15: Kyla Finkle; 16: Jackie Grossbard; 17: Hannah Garmise, Jack Rothenberg; 18: Jenna Bell, Logan Maklan, Laura Barmes,
Maxwell Nemerow; 19: Dylan Sheinwald; 20: Gabe Goldman, Katya Samus; 21: Ariel Rosenberg, Marietta Streho; 22: Zoe Fuhrman,
Cara Naimi; 23: Jake Rosen, Jorge Ramirez; 24: Brian & Serena Golden, Jaden Pinsky; 25: Carly Solomon; 26: Gabby Kitchen; 27:
Erin & Evan Pomerantz, Aly Wolpov; 28: Andrew Rowan; 29: Amanda Breit, Matthew Dubin, Daniel Oliveri, Amanda “Melton”
Levine, Lili Miller, Mollie “Lil” Spiesman; 30: Ally Platte, Eliza Davis, Thomas Doredant; 31: Jillian Horowitz, Joe Blake
FEBRUARY 3: Jake Silverberg, Adam Steiner; 5: Sera Person, Kinga Houszka; 6: Brandon Cooper, Garrett Salem; 7: Jenna Marcus,
Morgan Kinyon, Timmy Notarangelo; 8: Juan Larraz; 10: Alivia Lang; 11: Marly Telchin; 12: Sean “UK” Clarke, Will Roberts; 13:
Peter Szakonyi; 14: Madison Dulman, Paige Grossman, Jordan Nemirovsky, Ryan Rudes, Dr. Staci Berke-Pollack, Lisa Pelton; 15:
Andrew Shaffran; 16: Taylor “GIRL” Haber, Brian Josephson, Carlos Tejedor; 17: Emily Fox, Zac Shaytin; 18: Shari Crone, Sam
Kaplan; 19: Zachary Cohen, Riley Dembo, Tyler Dembo, Sami Green, Coach Dave Krug; 20: Derrick Cohen; 21: Gabe Charney, Corey
Frydman, Sly Incze, Gabriela Junkova, Trevor Martin; 22: Elyssa Ledven, Melissa Welger; 23: Ben Fuhrman, Brahm Wieseneck, Paul
Greeneld; 24: Alexa Caplan, Stephen Elwell; 25: Bella Messer, Jordan Sharaf; 26: Cory & Jamie Weintraub, Joaquin Arribas; 28:
Brody Schwartz, Jonny Shaffran, Ana Toboada and Blair Wilson.
Sunday Jan. 19, 2014 at Elk Mountain, Scranton,
PA, (Martin Luther King Weekend) -not too far from
camp (a good day trip, or stay close by)
Call in advance, meet, ski and take a picture with
JARED! Meet at Noon outside the main lodge by
the big ski map.
Get your photo taken for the Towanda Times!
The T-shirt order is going in January 15th.
Contact jared@camptowanda for:
VisionWalk T
Cheese, Milk & Pickle
Back by popular demand!
Parents, campers, alumni and
your family and friends.
Rent a bunk; enjoy activities, events, relaxation,
food and entertainment;
all provided.
This is a great way to end
the summer!
If you are interested,
please contact
August 30-September 1, 2014
Florida Beach Party December 26, 2013
New Camper Group Scoop January 12, 2014
Senior Girls Sleepover January 18, 2014
Meet & Ski at Elk Mtn January 19, 2014
Senior Boys Sleepover January 25, 2014
Chat Room January 29, 2014
NYC VisionWalk Spring TBA 2014
Flying Campers Arrival June 27, 2014
First Day of Camp June 28, 2014
S’More Tours July 12,19 & Aug 2, 2014
Visiting Day & Sibling Sleepover July 26, 2014
25 YEAR Alumni Celebration BBQ July 27, 2014
Last Day of Camp August 15, 2014
Winter Address
4 York Court
New City, NY 10956-4418
Happy New Year!