Donald Goodin
April 26, 1939 ~ July 9, 2022
Rest in peace great grandpa
- Isaac Larson
Rest Easy Grandpa I will always cherish are time and adventures we had it's still hard to believe but you are out of
pain I love you gramps
- Vanessa Vigil
Sharon and families.sorry to hear of the passing of Don.
- Judy Boyd
Sharon, my best friend since junior high, I can't imagine what you are going through. I send all my love to you and
your family. Nerine Agnew Lyon
- Nerine Lyon
Great man
- Lisa Valdez
Dad I don't know how to live without you, But known your with God,helps me know your in good hands. I love you
so much. & I enjoyed being your tooth fairly through the Years. It's going to be sad not seeing you and giving you a
kiss & hug. I will see you Again I love love you so much.Fly high Dad
- Carreen
I am so very sorry Vickie for the passing of your father. You and Tom and all your family are in my Prayers during
this time.
- Jerry Lindsey
Grandpa I love you so much my heart feels broken in a Millon piece I just want my grandpa back is all I think and
say but I know that your in heaven dancing and golfing the days away always know I love you and you will for ever
be in my heart I love you grandpa so much ....■■
- Vanessa Vigil
Grandpa another day has passed and my heart still feels so sad it is not the same with out you I just want you to
come back please I love you ■■
- Vanessa Vigil
Love you Sharon! Going to miss my cousin/brother We grew up as kids very close as cousins. As we grew up and
went our separate ways we didn’t see too much of each other until we found out we were brother and sister and
everything got better. He has a slug of siblings that are here for you if you need us. Stay close and know Don is in a
good place. We will see him soon❤■As we are all in the age bracket we could go anytime. It was just Don’s turn
- Katie Taylor Hernandez
I miss you so much grandpa! I will forever cherish our memories. It hurts so bad, I wish you were still here! You will
forever be in my heart and mind! I love you!■■■
- Dest sorry for your loss...our thoughts and prayers are with you and the entire family. Love, Beverley &
Michael Upchurch
- Beverley Upchurch
Grandpa tomorrow is the day we lay you to rest I don't even know what I am feeling I know I Numbing best as I can
but I can't keep doing that I'm really sad and wish you would just come back I love you grandpa
- Vanessa Vigil
Sharon, you and Don were the ultimate duo. I am so sorry for your loss and I am holding you close in my thoughts
and hoping you are doing okay. Friends since childhood, take care. Yours, Susan
- Susan Gilbert Christenson
Rest in paradise Grandpa
- ShayLynne W
My heart and prayers are with you all.I am in Alaska wishing I could be with you .Wow how many many wonderful
fun times and memories with Don and your mom put your arms around her for me big big hugs to you all.
- Judy peck
Well it's done and my heart is still broken I am so sad grandpa I can't explain what this feeling is I am feeling cause
I never have had it before but is a mix of sad and mad and broken but at the same time I am happy you can see
again and walk and dance and golf so I got to be ok with this it's just hard so hard I just want u back ■■
- Vanessa Vigil
Grandpa I miss you so much it's weird cuz no matter what like everywhere I go I feel like something reminds me of
you being here at work looking at people like looking at our shirts everything just reminds me of you and it really
makes me sad but at the same time I'm happy that I'm you're out of all your pain and I'm hoping that each day will
get a little bit better but I pretty sure the uneasy feeling is going to stick around for a good min. I love and miss ya
❤■your grand daughter vanes v
- Vanessa Vigil
Hey gramps so it still hurts I know it will for awhile mom says I am still holding on to let go but I don't know how and
it makes me so sad but I will get through this I just really really miss you alot love you so much your first born
- Vanessa Vigil
Hey gramps just wanted to let u know that today is a lil better but the craziest thing happens I swear I was in the
restroom and I could hear you coughing I was like am I tripping but it seemed so real .
- Vanessa Vigil
I'm struggling today I love and miss u so much
- Vanessa Vigil
I miss you grandpa ■■
- Vanessa Vigil
I miss you gramps I wish you was still here . I do know you would be so happy with your lawn I got it looking nice
and green it looks good well I love you and miss u like crazy rest in paradise gramps your grand daughter
- Vanessa Vigil
I miss you and wanted to tell u I went camping with dest and all my kids and 3 grandbabies vwas there too I was
nice feeling very greatful and blessed to be making new memories.. well gramps miss and love u lots your
- Vanessa Vigil
I am really missing you grandpa it is just so different and I have a empty spot in my chest that I can't seem to get
rid of and it just sucks bad I love and miss you so much love for ever and always your granddaughter
- Vanessa Vigil
Grandpa I'm having a bad night and I really miss you alot and I really try to stay strong but sometimes I just can't
cause I want you to come back I know you can't but I just be want you too so bad I love and miss you so much ❣■
your Grand Daughter
- Vanessa Vigil
Hey Grandpa I went tubing down Provo river today and just being in the mountains helps me feel close to you I love
and miss you so much love always N forever your grand daughter vanes
- Vanessa Vigil
I love you so much and am so sad the holidays are coming and your not here it really sucks ■■■■■■love u
- Vanessa Vigil
Hey grandpa I miss you so much it's going to be Christmas and not having u here is so hard and sad I love u
- Vanessa Vigil
Hey grandpa I just want to say Happy New Years I love and moss you lots
- Vanessa Vigil
Happy Heavenly Birthday Grandpa I love and miss you so much you don't even know hope you up there
celebrating your special day with all the angels til next time love you gramps ■■■■■■■■
- Vanessa Vigil
Omg grandpa happy late fathers day I'm so sorry it wouldn't let me on to write you I was panicking bad but now I
am on gosh gramps there is so much I want to tell you but I'm sure you already know I miss you so much I have
been in my feelings in my stupid head and I have never been this lost in a long time it sucks bad I love u grandpa
- Vanessa Vigil
Hey grandpa just want to wish you a Happy 4th of July I miss you lots love your grand daughter that misses you so
much ■■
- Vanes Vigil
Hey Grandpa just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. Tell me how much I love You and wish you were still here
with this. I love you Grandpa Merry Christmas. I hope you're having fun up there with all those angels. I love your
- Vanessa Vigil
Dad we miss you so much , and we all love you , things are not the same mom misses you so much but she is
being strong as she can love you dad
- Carma
Merry Christmas dad we love you
- Carma
Merry Christmas dad we love you
- Carma