Renewal Application
Renew your Architect license.
Or mail this completed form with a check or money order for the
renewal fee (payable to the Department of Licensing) to:
Washington State Board for Architects
Department of Licensing
PO Box 35001
Seattle WA 98124-3401
For questions or language help call: (360) 664-1388
(includes a $6.50 Washington State Building Code Council fee)
$115.50 if paid up to 30 days after the expiration date
$151.50 if paid between 31 days and 2 years after the expiration date
Licenses are available for self-printing with an online account.
If you want us to print and mail your license add a $5 print fee for each copy to your payment.
$0 self-print license online.
$5 each. DOL print and mail license. Quantity Total $ 
Applicant information
PRINT or TYPE Name (Last, First, Middle) License number
Mailing address
City State ZIP code
(Area code) Phone number Email
Legal background
Answer the following
Answer the questions below. If you answer “Yes,” attach a detailed explanation.
1. Within the last 5 years, in this state or any other jurisdiction, have you had any action
(ne, suspension, revocation, censure, surrender, etc.) taken against any professional
or occupational license, certication, or permit held by you? ......................... Yes No
2. Within the last 5 years, in this state or any other jurisdiction, have you defaulted, or been
convicted of, or entered a plea of no contest to a gross misdemeanor or felony crime?
(Don’t include trac convictions.).............................................. Yes No
Professional development
I have completed a total of 24 professional development hours within the last two years
and I understand these hours are subject to audit.
.................................. Yes No
I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date and place Applicant signature
Providing any false information in this application may be cause for denial, suspension, or revocation
of your professional license in the State of Washington.
AR-636-003 (R/8/23)WA
When you have completed this form, print it out and sign here.