October 2, 2023
Polk County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, requests the submittal of quotes
for DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Questions may be faxed to the Procurement Division, (863) 534-6789 or emailed to Mike
Baselice at [email protected] and must be received prior to 10:00 a.m.,
Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Questions received after the stated date and time will not be
Quotations may be faxed to the Procurement Division, (863) 534-6789 or emailed to Mike
Baselice at [email protected] and must be received prior to 10:00 a.m.,
Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Quotations received after the stated date and time will not be
Contractors are required:
To attend a Mandatory site visit on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.
prior to submitting their quote.
Read the Quote Specification thoroughly for any changes or special instructions.
All requirements and deadlines provided in this package must be upheld. Failure to
comply may result in suspension as provided within this document and the
Procurement Procedures.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
1. The County shall consider awarding a quote to the Contractor that submits the overall
lowest price for demolition services, to include asbestos containing material described
more fully in the attached Asbestos Survey. If the structure has been deemed unsafe
by the Building Official, all material shall be considered to be Regulated Asbestos
Containing Material (RACM) and removed, transported, and disposed of according to
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations.To obtain a copy of the
Asbestos Surveys & Photos for DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park
Lane, Eagle Lake demolition project please go the following FTP site: https://ftp3.polk-, you will be prompted for a User ID and Password. The User ID is
procurevendor and the password is solicitation. After you have logged in to the FTP
site, double click on the file folders “DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road Asbestos
Surveys and “DQ 24-012, 7 Grove Park Lane Asbestos Survey”, select “Open” or
“Save As” to download the quote documents. If you need assistance accessing this
website due to ADA or any other reason, please email Mike Baselice at
2. The Procurement Director reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotes
and/or to award on an individual item basis or an overall low, whichever is deemed to
be in the best interest of the County.
3. All Contractors shall submit prices on County quotation forms provided in this quote
package. Failure to do so may cause your quote to be considered non-responsive.
4. Procurement staff will verify licensure and insurance is up to date and meets all
requirements prior to award.
5. When asbestos material is present or structure has been deemed unsafe by the Polk
County Building Official, the Contractor MUST hold a State of Florida Asbestos
Contractor’s license, licensure type CJC. This portion of the scope of work shall
not be subcontracted. Contractor must note Asbestos Contractor license number on
the Quote Sheet provided in this package. Procurement staff will verify licensure is up
to date and active prior to award.
6. A Mandatory site visit will be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.
7. Receiving date is Wednesday, October 18, 2023, prior to 10:00 a.m.
8. The Successful Bidder must register in our new Vendor Database if you have not
already done so prior to award of this bid. A purchase order cannot be issued to a
vendor until they have registered. You may register by going to the following
link: Registered vendors
will receive a User ID and Password to access their company information. All
registered vendors must provide their owner gender, owner ethnicity, corporate status,
and a minimum of one (1) commodity code to be considered registered. It is the
responsibility of all vendors to update their vendor information. Only registered
vendors will receive notifications of future bids and quotes.
9. All prices quoted shall be good for thirty (30) days
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
10. If it becomes necessary to revise or amend any part of this quote, an addendum will
be issued and will be posted on the County’s website at https://www.polk- It is the sole responsibility of the bidders to check the
website to ensure that all available information has been received prior to submitting a
11. MISTAKES: Contractors are required to examine the specifications, delivery
schedule, quote prices and all instructions pertaining to the requirements of this quote.
Failure to do so shall be at Contractor’s risk. No change orders will be granted for
failure to fully inspect the entire parcel to accurately quote the project. Any questions
regarding work incorporated into project MUST be addressed prior to opening of quote
submittals. Questions shall be directed to the Procurement staff member noted on the
cover page of this package.
12. INDEMNIFICATION: Contractor, to the extent permitted by law, shall indemnify,
defend (by counsel reasonably acceptable to County), protect and hold the County,
and its officers, employees and agents, harmless from and against any and all, claims,
actions, causes of action, liabilities, penalties, forfeitures, damages, losses, and
expenses whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, costs, and
expenses incurred during negotiation, through litigation and all appeals therefrom)
including, without limitation, those pertaining to the death of or injury to any person, or
damage to any property, arising out of or resulting from (i) the failure of Vendor to
comply with applicable laws, rules or regulations, (ii) the breach by Contractor of its
obligations under any Agreement with the County entered into pursuant to this
solicitation, (iii) any claim for trademark, patent, or copyright infringement arising out of
the scope of Contractor’s performance or nonperformance of the Agreement, or (iv)
the negligent acts, errors or omissions, or intentional or willful misconduct, of
Contractor, its professional associates, subcontractors, agents, and employees;
provided, however, that Contractor shall not be obligated to defend or indemnify the
County with respect to any such claims or damages arising out of the County’s sole
negligence. The obligations imposed by this Section shall survive the expiration or
earlier termination of the Agreement.
13. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted
vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a
contract, provide any goods or provide any services to a public entity; may not submit
a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building
or public works; may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity; may
not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant
under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any
public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for
CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the
convicted vendor list. (Florida Statutes Section 287.012(a), (16), Section 287.058,
paragraph (2)(a) of Section 287.133). The person signing the Quote Sheet hereby
certifies that they have complied with said statute.
14. TERMINATION/SUSPENSION: The Procurement Director reserves the right to
terminate or suspend a vendor, in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest of the
County to do so. The Procurement Director, or their designee, shall notify the vendor,
in writing, of any such action with notice of the effective date of termination or
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
suspension. This notice shall also specify the state of the work at the time of
termination or suspension. Actions that will cause a vendor to be suspended include,
but are not limited to:
Quality of work
Repeated inspections
Not completing jobs within the time given
Lack of current insurance on file
Any act of fraud
Repeated incomplete or incorrect document submissions
Initial suspension will be a minimum of six months; continued deficiencies will result in
termination and deactivation from the County’s vendor database, in accordance with
Procurement procedures.
15. Vendors must possess a Polk County Local Business Tax Receipt (f/k/a Occupational
License) in order to do business with the Polk County Board of County
Commissioners. Procurement staff will verify that the successful Contractor possesses
a valid Business Tax Receipt prior to award.
16. This document and any resulting purchase orders shall be governed in all respects by
the laws of the State of Florida and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought
only in the Courts of Polk County, Florida or the United States District Court, Middle
District of Florida located in Hillsborough County, Florida.
17. Safety Requirements: The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the
safety of and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss
to: all employees on the project and other persons who may be affected by it; all of the
project work; and all materials or equipment to be incorporated, whether in storage on
or off the site. The Contractor shall assume all risk of loss for stored equipment or
materials, irrespective of whether the Contractor has transferred the title of the stored
equipment or materials to the County. Other property at the site or adjacent to it,
including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities
not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of demolition shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor. Any questions regarding compliance with the
safety requirements/regulations provision shall be directed to the Polk County Safety
and Regulatory Manager, Risk Management Division, (863) 534-5267.
18. The Contractor is responsible for observing all, DEP and OSHA regulations and shall
self-inspect to ensure that this is accomplished. The Contractor shall ensure that all
personnel are properly trained and shall be able to provide documentation for their
personnel that have attended training courses. Examples of such training courses are:
Hazard Communications; Traffic Work Zone Safety; Personal Protective Equipment;
First Aid/CPR; Permit Required Confined Space; and Lock Out/Tag Out of Hazardous
Energy. All contractors are required to comply with OSHA Standards regardless of the
number of employees they may have.
19. A County representative may periodically monitor work site safety. Should there be
safety and/or health violations, classified as Serious, Willful or Criminal/Willful
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Violations, the County’s representative may have the authority, but not the duty, to
require the Contractor to correct the violation in an expeditious manner. Inspections
shall be based on requirements contained in law. The definitions of serious, willful and
criminal/willful violations are as follows:
Serious Violation: A serious violation shall be deemed to exist in a place of
employment if there is a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm
could result from a condition which exists, or from one or more practices, means,
methods, operations, or processes which have been adopted or are in use, in such
place of employment unless the employer did not, and could not, with the exercise
of reasonable diligence, know of the presence of the violation.
Willful violation: May exist where evidence shows that the employer committed
an intentional and knowing violation of the Act.
Criminal/Willful violation: A repeat violation of a previously-cited willful violation.
Violation of Serious, Willful or Criminal violation may have the following
First violation: correction may be a verbal warning and the correction shall be
done the same day. Written documentation may be maintained by the County. This
violation may result in work stoppage until the violation is corrected. The work
stoppage shall not entitle the Contractor to additional contract time or
Second violation: this may constitute a breach of contract for safety violations
and may result in termination of the contract at the sole discretion of the County.
This could also be grounds for suspension or termination.
Note: The County Safety and Regulatory Manager or their designee may stop any
job to ensure the safety of all concerned.
Should the work site be a hazardous area, the Contractor must provide the County
with a copy of the Contractor’s Safety Plan to include information concerning hazards
such as type or identification of known toxic material, machine hazards, Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or any other information that would assist the Contractor
in the planning of a safe work site.
The Contractor shall be aware that while working for the County, representatives from
agencies such as the United States Department of Labor (DOL), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Division of Safety, State of Florida, DEP
are invitees and need not have warrants or permission to enter the work site. These
agencies, as well as the County Safety and Regulatory Manager or their designee,
enter at the pleasure of the County.
The Contractor shall designate a competent person of its organization whose duty
shall be the prevention of accidents at the site. This person shall be the Contractor’s
Superintendent unless otherwise designated, in writing, by the Contractor to the User
Division. All communications to the Superintendent shall be as binding as if given to
the Contractor.
20. Quotes should include pricing for the removal of all structures, footers, plumbing
below grade, and debris, as well as any shrubs, trees, or vegetation in which removal
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
is necessary for the safe demolition of the structure, and any other obstructions
associated with the property that fall within the lot dimensions given. Lot should be
cleared and raked, and any man-made items removed, unless otherwise specified in
the quote package.
21. PERFORMANCE OF WORK: All or portions of the work required under this quote
may be performed by Subcontractors, exclusive of removal of asbestos containing
material, regulated or unregulated. If the successful Contractor plans to use
Subcontractor(s) the Contractor must provide a list of ALL Subcontractor(s) and the
division of work to be performed by each Subcontractor to the Procurement Division
for approval prior to award of the quote. Proof of insurance and all applicable
licensing required to safely perform the scope of work will be required from the
Subcontractor(s) prior to the issuance of the Notice to Commence Services. It will be
the responsibility of the Prime Contractor to submit this documentation to the
Procurement Division after the recap has been issued and prior to award. It is the
Prime Contractor’s responsibility to inform and provide job specifications to any/all
Subcontractor(s) of the job. Any rework required due to negligence or inability of any
Subcontractor(s) shall be the responsibility of the Prime Contractor.
The Contractor or their designee must be on site during the performance of this quote
and will be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of their Subcontractor(s) and of
any persons directly or indirectly employed by them. No changes to Subcontractor(s)
used will be allowed after submittal of quote unless otherwise approved by the
Procurement Director in advance of any work to be performed. Any Prime Contractor
that defaults on this requirement may be suspended as allowed within the
Procurement Procedures.
Only duly authorized employees of the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor are allowed
to be present on the demolition site. Violations of this requirement will result in a stop
work order being issued by the User Division.
Any work performed by the successful Contractor or their Subcontractor(s) must meet
all environmental regulations and deadlines stated in the Notice to Commence
Delays as a result of weather events may be cause for an extension of time to the
Completion Date established within the Notice to Commence Services. The length of
delay and comparable number of days shall be determined by the County.
Extension(s) of time shall be on a one-to-one basis.
A delay due to a weather event is defined as an inability to complete any portion of the
scope of work due to inclement weather. If the weather prevents outside activity from
occurring but the Contractor is able to perform another portion of the scope, a delay is
not justified. The Contractor must request an extension of time to the Completion
Date immediately upon the conclusion of the weather event causing the delay. This
request may be sent electronically via email.
The weather event shall be of a duration that prevents the Contractor from performing
work for a significant portion of the day or that leaves the job site in such a state that
the Contractor is unable to continue to work. The County shall be the sole
determination of whether the weather event meets the stated criteria contained within
this document.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Nothing in the quote document shall create any contractual relationship between any
subcontractor and the County or any obligation to pay or facilitate the payment of any
monies due any subcontractor, except as may otherwise be required by law.
The Closure Package, which shall include all necessary documentation to complete
the demolition project must be submitted to the User Division within five (5) business
days of the Completion Date stated within the Notice to Commence Services. Any
Contractor that does not abide by this timeframe may be subject to suspension as
noted within this document and the Procurement Procedures.
Items to be submitted in the Closure Package:
Final Invoice (original)
Certificate of Completion (original)
Checklist (from quote document)
Final closed permits noted under Section 3., Submittal Requirements After
o Final Building Permit
o Final Septic Tank Abandonment Permit showing confirmation of removal
of septic tank
o Tire invoices showing disposal at authorized tire disposal site.
o Household hazardous waste (i.e., paints, insecticides) invoice showing
disposal at authorized disposal site.
Scaled Landfill tickets. Tickets must be completely filled out and include
property address. (original)
Final Unconditional Release of Lien from all Subcontractor(s) (original)
Picture of completed project, date and time stamped
For purposes of the Closure Package, “scaled” means that all material delivered to an
approved landfill must be weighed on the landfill’s scale for accurate measurement of
22. LOCAL PREFERENCE: It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to
afford local preference to Polk County entities in the award of bids. Preference shall
be administered in accordance with the following:
When written quotations are received, and the lowest price is offered by an entity
located outside of Polk County, and the next lowest price is offered by an entity
located in Polk County, and is within 5% of the lowest price offered, then the Polk
County entity shall be given the opportunity to match the lowest price offered, and if
agreement to match the lowest price is reached, the Polk County entity will be
awarded the quote if the Polk County entity is otherwise fully qualified and meets all
County requirements.
For purposes of this provision the term "Polk County entity" means any business having
a physical location within the boundaries of Polk County, Florida, at which employees
are located and business activity is managed and controlled on a day to day basis.
Additionally, the business must have been located within the boundaries of Polk
County for a minimum of 12 months prior to the date the applicable solicitation is
issued. This requirement may be evidenced through a recorded deed, an executed
lease agreement, or other form of written documentation acceptable to the County.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
The County shall have the right, but not the obligation, to verify the foregoing
If a contract is being funded in whole or in part by assistance of any federal, state or
local agency which disallows local preference, the County will adhere to those
requirements by not applying this section.
23. VENDOR PREFERENCE: It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to
afford vendor preference to women and minority owned entities in the award of
quotes. Preference shall be administered in accordance with the following:
When written quotations (less than $50,000.00) are received, and the lowest price is
offered by a non-women or minority owned entity located outside of Polk County, and
a price is offered by a women or minority owned entity that is within 5% of the lowest
price offered, then the women or minority owned entity shall be given the opportunity
to match the lowest price offered, and if agreement to match the lowest price is
reached, the women or minority owned entity will be awarded the quote if the women
or minority owned entity is otherwise fully qualified and meets all county requirements.
The term “Women or Minority Owned Entity” means any business having at least 51%
ownership by women or minority group members who independently control the
management and day-to-day operations of the firm. Group members are Females,
African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Native Americans,
and Asian-Indian Americans.
If a contract is being funded in whole or in part by assistance of any federal, state or
local agency which disallows this form of preference, the County will adhere to those
requirements by not applying section.
This policy in no way supersedes the Local Preference Policy.
24. The Closure Package and all required documentation for this project are to be sent via
regular mail or hand-delivered to the following address:
R. Wade Allen, Administrator, Polk
County Board of County Commissioners
Post Office Box 9005, Drawer RE01,
Bartow, Florida 33831-9005
Phone: 863-534-2580
515 East Boulevard Street Bartow,
Florida 33830
Phone: 863-534-2580
25. Unauthorized Alien(s): The vendor agrees that unauthorized aliens shall not be
employed nor utilized in the performance of the requirements of this solicitation. The
County shall consider the employment or utilization of unauthorized aliens a violation
of Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a). Such
violation shall be cause for unilateral termination of this Agreement by the County. As
part of the response to this solicitation, the successful vendor will complete and submit
the attached form “Affidavit Certification Immigration Laws.
26. Employment Eligibility Verification (E-Verify)
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
A. Unless otherwise defined herein, terms used in this Section which are defined in
Section 448.095, Florida Statutes, as may be amended from time to time, shall have
the meaning ascribed in said statute.
B. Pursuant to Section 448.095(5), Florida Statutes, the contractor hereto, and any
subcontractor thereof, must register with and use the E-Verify system to verify the work
authorization status of all new employees of the contractor or subcontractor. The
contractor acknowledges and agrees that (i) the County and the contractor may not
enter into this Agreement, and the contractor may not enter into any subcontracts
hereunder, unless each party to this Agreement, and each party to any subcontracts
hereunder, registers with and uses the E-Verify system; and (ii) use of the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify System and compliance with all other
terms of this Certification and Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., is an express condition of this
Agreement, and the County may treat a failure to comply as a material breach of this
C. By entering into this Agreement, the contractor becomes obligated to comply with
the provisions of Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from
time to time. This includes but is not limited to utilization of the E-Verify System to verify
the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all
subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ,
contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The contractor shall maintain
a copy of such affidavit for the duration of this Agreement. Failure to comply will lead to
termination of this Agreement, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute or
Section 448.09(1), Fla. Stat., the subcontract must be terminated immediately. If this
Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., such termination is not
a breach of contract and may not be considered as such. Any challenge to termination
under this provision must be filed in the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida no later
than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If this Agreement is terminated for
a violation of Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., by the contractor, the contractor may not be
awarded a public contract for a period of 1 year after the date of termination. The
contractor shall be liable for any additional costs incurred by the County as a result of
the termination of this Agreement. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to allow
intentional discrimination of any class protected by law.
27. CODE OF ETHICS: If any vendor violates or is a party to a violation of the code of
ethics of Polk County or the State of Florida, with respect to this quote, such vendor
may be disqualified from performing the work described in this quote or from
furnishing the goods or services for which the quote is submitted and shall be further
disqualified from quoting on any future quotes for work, goods, or services for the
28. CONE OF SILENCE: Bidders and any prospective bidders shall not contact,
communicate with or discuss any matter relating in any way to this quote with any
member of the Polk County Board of County Commissioners or any employee of Polk
County other than the County Procurement Director or the individual designated in the
Procurement Division. This prohibition begins with the issuance of the quote and ends
upon award or execution of the final contract. Any such communication initiated by a
bidder or prospective bidder shall be grounds for disqualifying the offender form
consideration for an award pursuant to this qoute and for bids or contracts to be
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
awarded pursuant to RFPs, or Requests for Bid that the County may issue in the
29. ATTORNEY’S FEES AND COSTS: Each party shall be responsible for its own legal
and attorney’s fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with any dispute or
any litigation arising out of, or relating to this Agreement, including attorney’s fees,
costs and expenses incurred for any appellate or bankruptcy proceedings.
(a) The Contractor acknowledges the County’s obligations under Article I, Section
24, of the Florida Constitution and under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, to release
public records to members of the public upon request and comply in the handling of
the materials created under this Agreement. The Contractor further acknowledges
that the constitutional and statutory provisions control over the terms of this
Agreement. In association with its performance pursuant to this Agreement, the
Contractor shall not release or otherwise disclose the content of any documents or
information that is specifically exempt from disclosure pursuant to all applicable laws.
(b) Without in any manner limiting the generality of the foregoing, to the extent
applicable, the Contractor acknowledges its obligations to comply with Section
119.0701, Florida Statutes, with regard to public records, and shall:
(1) keep and maintain public records required by the County to perform the
services required under this Agreement;
(2) upon request from the County’s Custodian of Public Records or his/her
designee, provide the County with a copy of the requested records or allow the
records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not
exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise
provided by law;
(3) ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from
public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by
law for the duration of the term of this Agreement and following completion of this
Agreement if the Contractor does not transfer the records to the County; and
(4) upon completion of this Agreement, transfer, at no cost, to the County all
public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records
required by the County to perform the service. If the Contractor transfers all public
records to the County upon completion of this Agreement, the Contractor shall
destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt
from public records disclosure requirements. If the Contractor keeps and maintains
public records upon completion of this Agreement, the Contractor shall meet all
applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored
electronically must be provided to the County, upon request from the County’s
Custodian of Public Records, in a format that is compatible with the information
technology systems of the County.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
BARTOW, FL 33830
TELEPHONE: (863) 534-7527
A. Certification(s).
(i) By its execution of this Agreement, the Vendor hereby certifies to the County
that the Vendor is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List,
created pursuant to Section 215.4725, Florida Statutes, nor is the Vendor engaged
in a boycott of Israel, nor was the Vendor on such List or engaged in such a
boycott at the time it submitted its bid, proposal, quote, or other form of offer, as
applicable, to the County with respect to this Agreement.
(ii) Additionally, if the value of the goods or services acquired under this
Agreement are greater than or equal to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), then the
Vendor further certifies to the County as follows:
(a) the Vendor is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in
Sudan List, created pursuant to Section 215.473, Florida Statutes; and
(b) the Vendor is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the
Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to Section 215.473,
Florida Statutes; and
(c) the Vendor is not engaged in business operations (as that term is
defined in Florida Statutes, Section 287.135) in Cuba or Syria; and
(d) the Vendor was not on any of the Lists referenced in this subsection
A(ii), nor engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria when it
submitted its proposal to the County concerning the subject of this
(iii) The Vendor hereby acknowledges that it is fully aware of the penalties that
may be imposed upon the Vendor for submitting a false certification to the County
regarding the foregoing matters.
B. Termination. In addition to any other termination rights stated herein, the County
may immediately terminate this Agreement upon the occurrence of any of the
following events:
(i) The Vendor is found to have submitted a false certification to the County
with respect to any of the matters set forth in subsection A(i) above, or the
Vendor is found to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that
Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel.
(ii) The Vendor is found to have submitted a false certification to the County with
respect to any of the matters set forth in subsection A(ii) above, or the Vendor is
found to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy
Sector List, or has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, and the
value of the goods or services acquired under this Agreement are greater than or
equal to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
32. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES (FORCE MAJEURE): Either party hereunder may be
temporarily excused from performance if an Event of Force Majeure directly or
indirectly causes its nonperformance. An “Event of Force Majeure” is defined as any
event which results in the prevention or delay of performance by a party of its
obligations under this Agreement and which is beyond the reasonable control of the
nonperforming party. It includes, but is not limited to fire, flood, earthquakes, storms,
lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage, and governmental actions.
Neither party shall be excused from performance if non-performance is due to forces
which are reasonably preventable, removable, or remediable and which the non-
performing party could have, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, prevented,
removed, or remedied prior to, during, or immediately after their occurrence. Within
five (5) days after the occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure, the non-performing
party shall deliver written notice to the other party describing the event in reasonably
sufficient detail, along with proof of how the event has precluded the non-performing
party from performing its obligations hereunder, and a good faith estimate as to the
anticipated duration of the delay and the means and methods for correcting the delay.
The non-performing party’s obligations, so far as those obligations are affected by the
Event of Force Majeure, shall be temporarily suspended during, but no longer than,
the continuance of the Event of Force Majeure and for a reasonable time thereafter as
may be required for the non-performing party to return to normal business operations.
If excused from performing any obligations under this Agreement due to the
occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure, the non-performing party shall promptly,
diligently, and in good faith take all reasonable action required for it to be able to
commence or resume performance of its obligations under this Agreement. During
any such time period, the non-performing party shall keep the other party duly notified
of all such actions required for it to be able to commence or resume performance of its
obligations under this Agreement.
33. NO CONSTRUCTION AGAINST DRAFTER. The Parties acknowledge that this
Agreement and all the terms and conditions contained herein have been fully
reviewed and negotiated by the Parties. Accordingly, any rule of construction to the
effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in
interpreting this Agreement
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
1. The Contractor shall begin work after Notice to Commence Services has been issued
by the Procurement Division. Work shall only be authorized Monday through Friday
between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding County holidays. If the
Contractor desires to work outside of the regular hours, a request must be made 48
hours prior to the planned work. The Contractor shall have twenty (20) business days
from the date Notice to Commence Services is issued to complete the demolition
(Completion Date). All paperwork noted as a part of the Closure Package must be
submitted no later than five (5) business days of the Completion Date stated in the
Notice to Commence Services.
2. The Contractor must notify Polk County via email with the specific start day.
3. Demolition services must be provided utilizing the “wet demo” method regardless of
the presence of hazardous material. If asbestos material is present, a State licensed
Asbestos Contractor must perform the work in accordance with established guidelines
for the type of material present. Removal of asbestos containing material must be
performed by the Prime Contractor only. This work will not be subcontracted
4. Should asbestos be found during demolition when (i) the asbestos survey, if
performed, indicates no asbestos is present within the structure, or (ii) an asbestos
survey was not required or performed in accordance with applicable federal and state
rules and regulations, the Contractor MUST immediately stop work and report the
finding to the County and this demolition quote shall terminate. The Contractor shall
be paid for all work completed prior to the discovery of asbestos. The County shall
issue a new demolition quote solicitation to complete the demolition which shall
indicate that asbestos material is present within the structure.
5. The Contractor shall be required to submit copies of all DEP Notices for asbestos
abatement and demolition activity. Work dates on the notices must reflect actual work
dates for in progress inspections. Any changes to notices must be sent in writing to
the DEP and the County before work for that specific notice commences.
6. The Contractor shall remove all debris, trash, man-made items, or building material
from site. All utility poles, unless they are marked that they are owned by a utility
company; or located in a right-of-way, must be removed. All man-made items should
be removed at the completion of the demolition.
7. The Contractor is responsible for observing all federal, state, and county
environmental regulations associated with the structure(s) being demolished and
cleared from the site.
8. The Contractor must pull all necessary permits for the demolition of the structure(s).
As of August 25, 2006, demolition permits are also required for mobile homes. Final
closed permits must be submitted as part of the Closure Package described in
Instructions, Item 20.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
9. The Contractor is responsible for utility disconnects. All underground plumbing must
be removed. The Contractor shall contact the appropriate power company so that they
may disconnect the power source.
10. Septic tanks, lift stations, and raised drain fields shall be removed: If there is a septic
tank on premises, the Contractor shall submit a copy of their Septic System
Abandonment Permit and the Completion Form that is signed by a Health Department
official as instructed on the Checklist with their Closure Package. Chapter 64E-6.011
and 64E-6.019 of the Florida Administrative Code sets the rules for the proper
procedure of abandonment of septic tanks.
11. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall remove all structures on the property.
This includes the primary structure and secondary structures, such as sheds, garages,
doghouses, etc. Any questions regarding structures to be demolished and removed
must be addressed prior to the Quote Receiving date and time.
12. The Contractor shall remove all slabs, underground plumbing, pillars and/or footers
associated with the structure to be demolished.
13. The Contractor shall remove all fences, except those which divide the property from
an adjoining property.
14. Taggable items (such as cars, boats, car trailers, etc.) are not to be removed unless
otherwise specified.
15. The Contractor MUST use authorized landfills with scales only in disposing of
construction materials associated with the demolition process. Load weight must be
printed on scaled landfill ticket. No materials may be buried on site. Should this be
found, the Contractor will be subject to suspension as outlined in this solicitation and
the Procurement Procedures. Scaled landfill tickets must include the project address
and the name of Contractor/Hauler.
16. Unless otherwise noted, the site should be brought to a raked site basis. This shall
include bringing in “clean” fill dirt (i.e., no organic matter, debris or large rocks), if
necessary. Also, the Contractor shall use fill dirt to level any ruts or machine cuts.
17. All abatements and special considerations associated with the demolition are the
responsibility of the Contractor.
18. No area shall remain that retains or detains water at the close of the project.
19. It is the responsibility for the Contractor to dispose of all household hazardous waste,
including but not limited to paint, paint cans, and recyclables at an authorized landfill
and submit authorized landfill receipts. Contractors should include the disposal costs
in their quote. Scaled landfill tickets with the actual cost from an authorized landfill
must be submitted within the Contractor’s Closure Package. Labor for removal of
household hazardous waste should also be included in the quote and will not be
allowed as an additional charge.
20. Tires must be taken to an authorized tire disposal site. Contractors should incorporate
tires into quote price. This cost will NOT be reimbursed via separate invoice on this
demolition. The contractor must include landfill tickets for the tires with request for
payment before payment for demolition will be rendered.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
21. The Certificate of Completion is to be executed when the scope of work is complete,
all permits have been inspected and finalized by the respective agencies that issued
the permits, all Subcontractors have been paid, and unconditional lien releases(s)
have been obtained. This shall be the final action required of the Contractor prior to
assembly of the Closure Package for submittal to the County.
22. Contractors should not assume that items located on the property while submitting a
quote will remain on the property at the time of demolition. The County may not own
the property(ies) being demolished; therefore the property owner may remove items
from their property at any time prior to the demolition.
23. If the project site is left unattended, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to secure
the site before leaving. This includes, but is not limited to, energized power lines,
covering open pools, septic tanks, and holes from excavation.
24. The Contractor MUST contact the Real Estate Services Division to request an
inspection after the demolition project has been completed. Multiple inspections by
County personnel after completion deadline may subject the Contractor to suspension
as outlined within this document and the Procurement Procedures.
Items that must be included within the Closure Package:
Final Invoice (original)
Certificate of Completion (original)
Checklist (from quote document)
Final closed permits noted under Section 3., Submittal Requirements After
o Final Building Permit
o Tire invoices showing disposal at authorized tire disposal site.
o Household hazardous waste (i.e., paints, insecticides) invoice showing
disposal at authorized disposal site.
Scaled Landfill tickets. Tickets must be completely filled out and include
property address. (original)
Final Unconditional Release of Lien from all Subcontractor(s) (original)
25. Contractors shall NOT send individual items in to the User Division. ALL items listed
above MUST be submitted together, not later than five (5) business days of the
Completion Date noted in the Notice to Commence Services. Failure to follow these
instructions may subject the Contractor to suspension as outlined within this document
and the Procurement Procedures.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Quotation Price for demolition services $_______________________________
Are Subcontractors being used in the performance of this demolition? (Mark only one)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Name of Subcontractor(s):
Work being performed by Subcontractor(s):
(List ALL subcontractors. Attach additional sheets if needed)
Firm Name: ____________________________________________________________
Authorized Signature_____________________________________________________
Printed Name & Title of Authorized Signer: ___________________________________
P.O. Box/Street Address: _______________________________________________________
City, State and Zip Code: ____________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ___________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________
FL Asbestos Contractor License # (CJC): ___________________________________
African American
Hispanic American
Asian-Pacific American
Native American
Asian-Indian American
If one of the above is circled please indicate whether ____Female ____Male
Publicly Traded Corporation
Employee Owned Company
Polk County Procurement Division
330 West Church Street, Room 150
Bartow, FL 33830
Fax: (863)534-6789
Email: procurement
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Company Name:
DBA/Fictitious Name (if applicable):
TIN #:
(Street No or PO Box Number) (Street Name)
(County) (State) (Zip Code)
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Email Address:
Type of Organization:
Sole Proprietorship Partnership Non-Profit Sub-
Joint Venture Corporation LLC LLP
Publicly Traded Employee Owned
State of Incorporation
The Successful vendor must complete and submit this section prior to award. The
Successful vendor must invoice using the company name listed above.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
610 Cameron Road, Eagle Lake, FL 33839
7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake, FL 33839 (A Portion of)
262906-000000-022260 (A Portion Of)
Polk County
From Bartow: Head East on U.S. 98/Van Fleet Dr. for 0.5 miles; Turn
left onto U.S. 17 N. for 8.4 miles; Turn right onto Cameron Road.
Continue for approximately 1,000 feet. The first address will be on
the right. For the second address continue following Cameron Road.
Turn Right onto Grove Park Lane. The second address will be on
the right about 80 feet south of Cameron Road.
1.) Demo IN PLACE Approximate 672 sq. ft. 1975 Mobile
Home, Approximate 920 sq. ft. 1972 Mobile Home,
Approximate 678 sq. ft. 1972 Mobile Home.
2.) Remove Concrete Block Well House. Leave Well.
3.) Remove Metal Gate.
4.) Remove All Wood Frames/Posts and decks on the
5.) Remove Wood Porch with Stairs.
6.) Remove Concrete Steps.
7.) Remove all Sheds.
8.) Remove White Jeep VIN #NL1516945.
9.) Remove Propane Tanks.
10.) Remove any Tires found on the property.
11.) Do Not Crush Septic Tanks. Pump Out and Remove
Septic Tanks (three) and Drain Fields in accordance with
Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64E-6.011 and 64E-
12.) Include a photo of the removed septic tanks on the
transport to the dump site or shown out of the ground.
13.) Remove all Debris. Fill Level and Rake upon Completion.
Photos available upon request.
Metes and Bounds Description
Demo Contractor is responsible for all disconnects and permits with
any and all utilities, municipalities, etc. Electricity must be
disconnected from the structure prior to start. Must have required
permit(s) prior to start.
PLEASE NOTE: The County has requested that Tampa Electric
remove the meter and disconnect service to these properties.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
However, it is still the Contractor’s responsibility to verity the
Demolition in place Structures as described above and removal of
all debris. Demolition services must be provided utilizing the “wet
demo” method regardless of the presence of hazardous material.
Must demo per NESHAP Recommendations, asbestos survey
available upon request. If asbestos material is present, a State
licensed Asbestos Contractor must perform the work in accordance
with established guidelines for the type of material present.
NOTE: Incorporate tires and/or any chemicals into quote price.
This cost will NOT be reimbursed via separate invoice on this
demolition. The contractor must include landfill tickets for the
tires and/or chemicals with request for payment before
payment for demolition will be rendered.
NOTE: Do Not Crush Septic Tank. Pump Out and Remove
Septic Tank and Drain Field in accordance with Florida
Administrative Code Chapter 64E-6.011 and 64E-6.019. Include
a photo of the removed tank on the transport to the dump site
and copy of Septic System Abandonment Permit and
Completion Form signed by a Health Department Official for
verification of removal, when submitting Close Out
Fill all areas as needed, level and rake.
NOTICE: If there is a well, do NOT remove or do anything to it.
Do not include well abandonment in the demolition quote. The
well is to remain, and the abandonment will be performed by
Structure (check one):
Does not contain asbestos (see attached Asbestos Survey).
X Does contain asbestos (see attached Asbestos Survey).
An asbestos survey was not required or performed on the property in
accordance with applicable state and federal rules and regulations.
Exception(s): Do not include well abandonment in the demolition quote. The well
is to remain and the abandonment will be performed by others.
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
If submitting a "NO QUOTE", Bidder shall return this form to The Polk County Board of County
Commissioners Procurement Division, ATTN: Mike Baselice, 330 West Church Street, Room 150,
Bartow, Florida 33830; or via fax to (863) 534-6789.
We have declined to bid on the above-mentioned quote for the following reasons:
Specifications too "restrictive". Insufficient time to respond.
Do not offer this product/service. Our schedule would not permit us to perform.
Unable to meet specifications. Unable to meet insurance requirements.
Specifications unclear. Other (please specify below).
We understand that if the "No Quote" form is not executed and returned, our name may be deleted
from the list of qualified bidders for the County for further demolition projects.
Signature Company
Typed Name and Title Address
Telephone Number City, State, Zip Code
E-Mail Address Date
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Bidder must sign and have notarized:
The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that they fully understand the safety
requirements/regulation provisions and will comply.
Dated this day of , 20__
Name of Firm
Title of Person Signing (SEAL)
STATE OF ________________
COUNTY OF ______________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of physical
presence or online notarization, this _____ day of ___________, 2023, by
___________________(name) as _______________ (title of officer) of
__________________ (entity name), on behalf of the company, who is personally
known to me or has produced ___________________________ as identification.
Notary Public Signature: ___________________________________
Printed Name of Notary Public: ______________________________
Notary Commission Number and Expiration: _______________
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Drug-Free Workplace Form
(Submittal Page)
The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statue 287.087 hereby certifies
that, (Name of the Business): _________________________________________ does:
1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited
in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees
for violations of such prohibition.
2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the
business’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug
counseling, rehabilitation programs, employee assistance programs and the
penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations.
3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual
services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1).
4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a
condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under
bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the
employer of any conviction of, plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation
of Chapter 1893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any
state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after
such conviction.
5. Impose a sanction on or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse
assistance or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee’s
community, by any employee who is so convicted.
6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through
implementation of this section.
As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with
the above requirements.
Vendor Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
An original certificate of insurance must meet the following requirements:
1. Worker’s Compensation Insurance providing statutory benefits, including those
that may be required by any applicable federal statute. Any sole proprietor or
partner actively engaged in the construction industry and any corporate officer of
a construction or non-construction industry corporation who elects to be exempt
from the provisions of the worker’s compensation law must provide either a
worker’s compensation exemption certificate (construction industry) or a letter
stating the exemption status and number of employees (non-construction).
Admitted in Florida Yes
Employer’s Liability $100,000
All States Endorsement Statutory
Voluntary Compensation Statutory
Worker’s Compensation policy will contain waiver of subrogation in favor of Polk
2. All contractors are required to provide the County with one original certificate of
insurance, which must include the following information:
a. Worker’s Compensation Insurance providing statutory benefits, including
those that may be required by any applicable federal statute. Any sole proprietor
or partner actively engaged in the construction industry and any corporate officer
of a construction or non-construction industry corporation who elects to be exempt
from the provisions of the Worker’s Compensation exemption certificate
(construction industry) or a letter stating the exemption status and number of
employees (non-construction industry).
b. Commercial General Liability Insurance, including County and Contractor
Protective, Contractual, Products and Completed Operations Liability coverage on
an occurrence Broad form policy in limits not less than those listed and deductible
amount not to exceed $25,000. XCU Property Damage exclusion must be removed
from the policy.
Each Occurrence: $1,000,000
Completed Operation $1,000,000
Pollution Liability $1,000,000
c. Automobile Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained by the
Contractor as to the ownership, maintenance, and use of all of its owned, non-
owned, leased or hired vehicles with limits of not less than:
Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability $1,000,000
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Combined Single Limit Each Accident
d. Pollution Liability is required for all contractors that perform demolitions
involving asbestos. This coverage will be requested upon the initial award of a
project that contains asbestos material.
3. Polk County is to be named as an additional insured on both the General Liability
Policy and the Automobile Liability Policy as follows: “Polk County, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, is named as additional insured with respect to
liability arising from any demolition quote for Automobile and General Liability
policies of insurance. All policies (except auto) contain a waiver of subrogation in
favor of Polk County.” All insurance coverage shall be written with a firm having an
A.M. Best Rating of at least the “A” category and financial size category of VIII.
The Certificate Holder must be stated as:
Polk County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida
PO Box 9005, Drawer AS05
Bartow, Florida 33831-9005
The County must be an additional named insured in regards to General and Automobile
Liability. Coverage must be provided by an insurer licensed to do business in the State
of Florida and must be rated “A VIII” or better by A.M. Best Rating Company for Class VIII
financial size category. Waiver of subrogation in favor of Polk County is required for
General Liability and Worker’s Compensation coverages.
Notation on the certificate reflecting the additional insured status and the waiver of
subrogation or copies of the endorsements must be provided to verify requirements. “All
work performed for Polk County” must be noted on the certificate.
The acceptable form of the certificate of insurance shall be the industry standard ACORD
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
Affidavit Certification Immigration Laws
Company Name: ___________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
State of: ____________________
County of: ___________________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of physical
presence or online notarization, this _____ day of ___________, 2023, by
___________________(name) as _______________ (title of officer) of
__________________ (entity name), on behalf of the company, who is personally
known to me or has produced ___________________________ as identification.
Notary Public Signature: ___________________________________
Printed Name of Notary Public: ______________________________
Notary Commission Number and Expiration: _______________
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
(Florida Statutes, Section 448.095)
PROJECT NAME:_______________________________________________________________
The undersigned, as an authorized officer of the contractor identified below (the Contractor”),
having full knowledge of the statements contained herein, hereby certifies to Polk County, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida (the County”), by and on behalf of the Contractor in accordance with
the requirements of Section 448.095, Florida Statutes, as related to the contract entered into by and
between the Contractor and the County on or about the date hereof, whereby the Contractor will provide
labor, supplies, or services to the County in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (the
Contract”), as follows:
1. Unless otherwise defined herein, terms used in this Certification which are defined in
Section 448.095, Florida Statutes, as may be amended from time to time, shall have the meaning ascribed
in said statute.
2. Pursuant to Section 448.095(5), Florida Statutes, the Contractor, and any subcontractor
under the Contract, must register with and use the E-Verify system to verify the work authorization status
of all new employees of the Contractor or subcontractor. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that (i)
the County and the Contractor may not enter into the Contract, and the Contractor may not enter into any
subcontracts thereunder, unless each party to the Contract, and each party to any subcontracts thereunder,
registers with and uses the E-Verify system; and (ii) use of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-
Verify System and compliance with all other terms of this Certification and Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., is
an express condition of the Contract, and the County may treat a failure to comply as a material breach of
the Contract.
3. By entering into the Contract, the Contractor becomes obligated to comply with the
provisions of Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from time to time. This
includes but is not limited to utilization of the E-Verify System to verify the work authorization status of all
newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the
subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The Contractor
shall maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the Contract. Failure to comply will lead to
termination of the Contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute or Section 448.09(1), Fla.
Stat., the subcontract must be terminated immediately. If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Section
448.095, Fla. Stat., such termination is not a breach of contract and may not be considered as such. Any
challenge to termination under this provision must be filed in the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida no
later than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the Contract is terminated for a violation of
Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract for a
period of 1 year after the date of termination. The Contractor shall be liable for any additional costs incurred
by the County as a result of the termination of the Contract. Nothing in this Certification shall be construed
to allow intentional discrimination of any class protected by law.
Executed this day of , 2023.
By: By:
Its: Its:
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
____ 10-Day DEP Notice for Demolition Activities (Must indicate Wet Demo)
Suggested submittal within 8 calendar days from Notice to Proceed.
____ 10-Day DEP Notice for Asbestos Abatement (If Survey Determines Asbestos
Containing Materials) Suggested submittal within 3 calendar days from Notice to
____ Scaled Landfill Tickets for Asbestos Abatement (Must Use a Class 1 Landfill)
Scan and email before demo starts
____ Notify Polk County of Demolition Start Date Via Email at
[email protected]. Suggested submittal within 10 Calendar days
from Notice to Commence Services.
____ 10-Day NESHAP Notice (Demo and Abatement if applicable)
____ Abatement Company Asbestos Certification (If applicable)
____ Building Permits
____ Copy of Asbestos Survey or Building Official Letter
____ Original Invoice and Certificate of Completion
____ Scaled Landfill Tickets for C&D Material
____ Original Landfill Tickets for Hazardous Materials or Tires (If applicable)
____ FINAL Septic Tank Abandonment Permit (or Completion Form), if applicable.
(Or letter why tank was not abandoned. Letter must be on company letterhead
and signed by someone with signature authority for the company). Permit must be
signed by an official with authority to close permit.
____ FINAL Building Permit for Demolition Permit must be signed by an official with
authority to close permit.
____ Unconditional Release of Lien from All Subcontractors (originals) If, the
subcontractor listed is not used a letter on company letterhead signed by
someone with signature authority must be submitted for the company used (if
____ Final Picture of Site
DQ 24-012, 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake
DQ Number: 24-012 Case Number: N/A
Completion Date: _________________ Notice to Proceed Date: __________________
Address: 610 Cameron Road and 7 Grove Park Lane, Eagle Lake, FL 33839
The Work to which this certificate applies has been inspected by the authorized
representatives of the County and the permitting agencies and the Contractor; and that
Work is hereby declared to be complete in accordance with the scope of work contained
within the demolition quote package. This Certificate of Completion applies to all Work
under the awarded demolition.
(Authorized Signature)
(Typed Name & Title)
County Division:
(Authorized Signature)
(Typed Name & Title)
Date: __________________